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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: W1LSB on February 08, 2012, 02:57:53 PM

Title: Ranger PA noise in CW mode
Post by: W1LSB on February 08, 2012, 02:57:53 PM
I'm just about to hook a Ranger up to a Johnson T/R switch for some CW fun, but I remembered that there may be a white noise issue.  When the TX is in CW mode and the key is up, some Rangers put out white noise.  I recall that there's a cure, but can't find a reference anywhere.  Can someone point me in the right direction?

73 & Thanks
George - W1LSB


Thanks Alan, but the noise issue has been around for as long as Rangers have. I recall hearing it many moons ago from a brand new Ranger at a friends QTH, and seeing subsequent info on getting rid of it. It is definitely tied to the 6146, but I can't remember what the issue is, or the cure. I suspect that the PA is not totally cut-off with the key up, and that some tubes do make noise under those conditions.  Truth be told, I have not heard it from this Ranger yet, but I wanted to gather info in case it develops. 

Sounds like you have a good one, Alan, congratulations!

I'll be running the Ranger in the CX this week-end.

73, George - W1LSB

Title: Re: Ranger PA noise in CW mode
Post by: W4AMV on February 08, 2012, 05:50:49 PM
Hi George. I have a Ranger I, the unit without the keyer shelf. I have recapped several areas in the TX and it is quite stable, little or no significant drift on 15 M CW and no noise in key up condition with the B+ still applied. There is NO chirp. So the opinions on the ol Ranger vary. Therefore, not sure this is a real problem with the Ranger and may be specific to a "faulty" unit, say a bad final?

73' Alan

Title: Re: Ranger PA noise in CW mode
Post by: W1LSB on February 08, 2012, 06:28:43 PM
Thanks Alan, but the noise issue has been around for as long as Rangers have. I recall hearing it many moons ago from a brand new Ranger at a friends QTH, and seeing subsequent info on getting rid of it. It is definitely tied to the 6146, but I can't remember what the issue is, or the cure. I suspect that the PA is not totally cut-off with the key up, and that some tubes do make noise under those conditions.  Truth be told, I have not heard it from this Ranger yet, but I wanted to gather info in case it develops. 

Sounds like you have a good one, Alan, congratulations!

I'll be running the Ranger in the CX this week-end.

73, George - W1LSB
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