Title: Canadians on 7295 Post by: Steve - K4HX on October 22, 2011, 05:19:16 PM VE6PG and VE3AJM
2100Z Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: KL7OF on October 22, 2011, 11:03:49 PM Dju werk um?
Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on October 30, 2011, 05:20:58 PM Would like to try my QRP AM rig. Where is the best place? I am currently on 7200 but dont hear any AM there. Will try at 5:50 PM and later at 9 PM. I have never had it on the air before but have tested it to death. Time to put up or shut up. If no other recommendations I will be 7200 or near. Where it is open.
Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ab3al on October 30, 2011, 05:46:20 PM damn Canadians on our bands don't they have their own
Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on October 30, 2011, 08:44:11 PM I asked where you suggest I operate.
Just cause you live in a tiny overcrowded country is no need to give such a reply. I can go anywhere that would be convienient to you and yours. . Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: Steve - K4HX on October 30, 2011, 08:51:41 PM I think he was joking.
For AM, your best bet is 7290/95 kHz. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ab3al on October 30, 2011, 08:55:54 PM Dju werk um? is that french canadian for something11 meters.. is wide open yeah i was joking don.. I have never posted anything serious on here just look at my avatar realllllly close. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: Ralph W3GL on October 30, 2011, 09:03:21 PM Don't pay any attention to Mike, he likes to stir the pot to
see what's on the bottom :o :o :o You will find 7mc amateur AM on 7285, 7290 & 7295 during the daylight hours when the Euro & Canadian (I might add) SW bangers are not active. (There are Asian relays coming out of Canada on rhe high end of our 40 meter band!) Might be a good idea for you to keep a frequency monitor active with that rig. Looks like it might do a bit of movement, stability wise... Other wise, welcome to 40 meter AM... Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: k4kyv on October 30, 2011, 11:17:37 PM Why don't more Canadians operate in 7100-7125? We United States-ese can't operate there because of the damned US sub-band/sub-sub band restrictions, but since the CW guys mostly stay below 7060, it is wide open fallow territory, and broadcast-free. It should see more use.
Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on October 31, 2011, 05:35:46 PM Thanks all. Actually rig is rock stable despite its VFO. Even one test to the next with it turned off in between the digital monitor says it is bang on. It has a low level Hartley osc and it is a grid /cathode /ground /hartley. It is coupled to the 50l6 final control grid with a 100Pf cap. Osc also runs on reduced voltage from rest of the rig. 124v rather than 157V.
Why do we like to operate where you fellows do? Cause we like talking to you. Well some of you anyway ;>) For me personally it is hard for me to get my head around the idea that our bands are now wide open for us. It wasnt always so. For old timers it is hard to change old habits. and Finaly "Nein Ich habe ihm nicht gewerkt" and no that is not French Canadian and neither am I . I get my haircut for a dollar. Twenty-five cents a corner. Don VE3LYX Here is its first test recorded on a Rx some distance away.http://www.youtube.com/user/Don225slant6#p/a/u/0/5QPL-xgAOPk Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: WA3VJB on November 01, 2011, 06:45:36 PM Hi Don, well from the YouTube CQ video I will know your voice when I run across you.
Today, Tuesday, I established a QSO at 7280Kc to give the guys some room at 7290Kc. Sure enough, a slopbucket QSO setup just 2Kc away at 7282, and then complained about "splatter" from us. One of the guys even called us at the end of our QSO but we all had signed and nobody recognized him (i suspect he was ready to complain to us). Anyway, Don, from 7280 to as high as you dare to go, please look for us. I hope to meet up with you soon. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 02, 2011, 08:52:41 AM Thanks.
I had a sked yeserday with NE1S but I didnt hear him here and he didnt hear me either. I think we were on different time schedules so today we were using zulu HOWEVER. Had a little disaster yesterday. Spurred on by my success so far I had started building a PA for the rig using a 50l6 (one of my favourite tubes)I winged it since there arent awhole lot of circuits out there for stand alone 50l6 Rf amps. Basiscally I built a CW power osc without the feedback and crystal and drove the grid ) I use a voltage doubler circuit on most of my stuff so I was getting 311 volts no load . I finshed it and fired it up not realizing that an stand alone RF Amp is not a audio amp and can run away with itself. (I am learning but it is a slow process) The current limit resitor in my PS was smoking after a few minutes . Not real concerned about it I thought it didnt have enuf of a watt rating and added a couple of more in parallel just for the test. I hooked it up to the dummy load (light bulb deal) and turned the rig to tx. I was monitoring on an nearby recvr with a long earphone piece . The volume really jumped with the PA on and it was actually less 60 cycle in the background which was nice. (Pa has a different type of PS that is quieter) I tried with and without for about an hour to be sure I wasnt imagining things but there was definatley huge output increase. The tank of the PA would tune to 7290 at about 35 % cap setting . Not as definate as the tank in the Tx but still tuneable. Finally there was nothing to do but hook it to the antenna and give er. ...................after the fire......... Well all was well and I was calling CQ. The monitor recver had the s meter nailed to the end with the Rf gain at lowest setting. Then the limit resistor started to smoke . I killed the Tx immediatley . and reached for the power cord switch for the PA. I knocked it about 2 feet away on the floor. By now the limit resitor pack is in bright orange flame and smoke is filling the room. Before I got it shut of the glass in the tube cracked with a pop although stayed together. I know now one of my problem is I had too much screen voltage . It should have been 135 and I had just a wee bit less than plate voltage which is under load mid 200s . That is fixable. I have other rigs with 50L6 s so I am used to pushing them like that. If they complain I install a 50c6 . (Didnt want to burn my last good one till I was sure the PA was working.) That was no big deal $ wise but now my Tx doesnt work right. Its final wants to oscilate so i am trying to find out what happened. Other than a floating link there is no direct connection between the two devices. Not even through electrical power ground since the 110 line tx is isolated . I will swap tubes arounf rx to tx since they are the same. I can see no blown components but may change the 1/4 dozen passive components in the tx s PA to . see. Annoying ? Yes, but also a learnig experience. I may do some reworks in the rx side while I have it open as well. Ill be back. Meantime I will be "reading the mail" Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 02, 2011, 02:19:54 PM The Rx /Tx is fixed. Osc /Mod tube (12sl7) didnt like all the excitment. I subbed in another and all is well.
Don VE3LYx Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: WA3VJB on November 02, 2011, 06:32:40 PM The Rx /Tx is fixed. Osc /Mod tube (12sl7) didnt like all the excitment. I subbed in another and all is well. Don VE3LYx Sorry I missed you Wednesday afternoon. We were zero'd to 7290 doing battle with Radio Peking down below us, and had a pretty good go of it. Talked with Tim W3TIM on both his Flex and his GK using both his high doublet and his cloud warmer, and I saw as much as 5db greater signal on the low ant. Later worked a fellow near Atlanta through about 5pm so there's late day life in the band, for sure. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 02, 2011, 10:54:11 PM Without the extra PA I dont have a lot of power. It is more like a VFO with modulator but it works pretty good so i decided not to mess with it. The screen modulation was interesting to build. You can see the modulation shall we say percentage on the neon lamp that is in the screen grid supply. Modulation is adjustable and likes the middle setting best. VFO is a hartley but a grid cathode ground hartley like a recvr would use. It is very stable and totally impervious to hand effect etc. It is very low level which helps its stabilty and works well with the screen modulator which is also not too powerful All this is pumped into a 50l6 beam power tube which at these levels is coasting. It has a plate tank circuit and ant or output is with link coulping. I have learned a ton designing and building this set up as I adapted things I liked from other circuits and fiddled till I got them working together.
I was listening in this afternoon and could hear one of you quite well and the other just occasionallly here. Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 03, 2011, 12:57:38 AM ..don..where are you located?...i'm just south of hanover, ont. ...there are a bunch of us, on 3725, most morning at 9am...btw, we have always been able to operate anywhere in the ham bands...nothing new...alot of guys seem to think that RAC's band plan gave us more space...not so...look for you on 40, 75, or 160...
..tim.. ..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: k4kyv on November 03, 2011, 03:15:28 AM ...btw, we have always been able to operate anywhere in the ham bands...nothing new...alot of guys seem to think that RAC's band plan gave us more space...not so... The RAC band plan is voluntary. But when I first became licensed back in 1959, Canada did have sub-bands. The Canadian phone band went down to 3750 IIRC, while the US phone band went down only to 3800, so 3750-3800 was thought of as the "Canadian phone band". The US novice CW band went from 3700 to 3750. The CW band below 3700 was packed with signals all the way down to 3500. Not having any sub-band restrictions, Why don't Canadians get some N. American phone activity going on 7100-7125? Right now, it is mostly wasted space, with CW crammed below 7060, and almost all the phone activity above 7125. It would allow almost QRM-free operation. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 03, 2011, 07:44:32 AM Hi I am in Ameliasburgh Pr Ed County. I have no 80M Am abilty yet. I have been playng with the set though and coaxing a bit more power out of it. I mean it is all relative but twice as much is twice as much of what I had yesterday. I am working on the antenna coupling and also getting a bit more osc drive on the final. All minor stuff although I know from my vintage style hartley CW rig there is huge power gains to be had fooling with ant links. I guess you dont gain power you take advantage of all you have available.
When I was licensed, phone bands were well established too and I grew up in ham radio on that premise. I would operate now I guess anywhere in the band above 7100 but I wont run phone below that. Just doesnt seem proper. Is there a problem with Canadians operating above in normal INTERNATIONAL radio specrum? I rarely hear a Canadian on even in Donald Duck mode. I dont think there are enuf of us to be a problem. I guess I also dont have any idea why it would be a problem to anyone. i thought the whole idea was to comunicate around the world both neighbours and accross the pond. I know on 20 I am tired of a cetain type of operator with a KW + triple stacked ariels and power so high I bet their house lights are going dim. Usually overdriving enuf to cause splatter so they can be heard regardless. I dont recall any of them having VE or VA cal signs though, Mmmmmm I'll have to think about this. I thought it was everyones sandbox. Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 03, 2011, 08:53:10 AM ..ok on your location don...well, on 40, there are a bunch on ssb, on 7055, 7060, etc...there is nothing wrong with operating anywhere, on any band...time and again, there are guys around 7115. i've operated am on 7090, 7120 etc. only the continental u.s. has such limits. hawaii, alaska, and territories are allowed more freq. space. as i look at it, pushing guys into these "windows" of 7290/95, etc. is foolish...find an open spot, and call cq...i cant make the hamfest this saturday, but i know there are going to be some boat anchor transmitters there...
..tim.. ..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 03, 2011, 12:11:48 PM FB on all.
I am hanging around 7290 because I have a sked deal worked out for testing. Otherwise I will go where there is a spot too although probably above 7100. I built this rig so that is almost the bottom . I am past the boatanchors thing now and into homebrew with tubes and wood. Never had so much fun. I spent the morning working on the rig. Got the Ac hum down to guitar amp level and none is showing up in my signal now. There was bit before although not much . I played with caps accross the diode in the PS as I was sure it was only the spike and not a heavy duty HUM . Tried an .02 and it was gone. Raised voltage on the osc section to 112. No gain after that so I quit while I was ahead. Tried playing with final bias but it changed nothing so I left it alone. Made a new ant link but it likes my Dummy better than the antenna. I,ll figure it out. Anway it sure is fun. I hope to catch you on air sometime. What I really need is someone to monitor from nearby. IE Belleville Trenton or Picton. Then I can work from that to longer distance. Anyway Thanks for the tips and the note, Tim. Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 03, 2011, 12:55:07 PM ...ok don...what is the output of the rig?...when are you available for a test?...al, ve3ajm is likely the closest to you, he is in bethany, peterborough area...as side from a boatanchor, there are always dx60s, ht-40s, etc...
..see ya... ..off to work.. ..tim.. ..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 04, 2011, 01:19:59 AM ...don...va3ic, ian, is gonna be at the fest on saturday, and he will have a nice little transmitter there...hallicrafters ht-40, screen modulated...80-10...nice little box, not heavy...about 8 watts carrier, with peaks about 50 watts...good rig for 40...let me know if you are interested, and i can pass on his email address...
..tim.. ..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 04, 2011, 07:00:19 AM I have about a watt out. I have built a PA but it needs some work yet the signal is strong and clear. Actually I am going to fiddle this morning in Stockdale and will call CQ at 7 AM before I go if the broadast station is gone on 7290. If it isnt I will wait till 7.15 and try again.
I would be interested to see that rig but my buying days are done I think. I love building, espcially freestyle like this one. It has revived my interest in the hobby to a level it was never at before. Since January I built a 20 Meter vertical ant, 2 40 meter antennas, put my 80M bare essesntial tx (single 50l6)on CW successfully (first qso , NC using only my 12sl7 regen for rx (no cheating with a modern rig to hear. ) built a 40M TNT and a single triode regen to match it. This month i built a 45 tube hartley cw rig and got this rx tx working. I guess one could call it a transceiver. It has only one tuning control for both rx and tx and a single power supply as well. Don VE3LYx Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 04, 2011, 10:14:10 AM ..ok don..ya, building can be fun...but working on this old stuff is fun as well...i make my own antennas, really enjoy that...you should get in contact with eddy, ve3cui...he builds beautiful old style rigs...do a google search for him...there is a page, glowbugs i believe...some of these little transmitters like dx 60s, etc. can be had for 25 bux...lots of fun...might hear you this weekend, if you want me to listen for you...maybe away from 7290 as it will likely be busy..
..tim.. ..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 04, 2011, 03:22:19 PM Yes $25 would yeild a ton of fun.
I tried 7295 and it was better than 7290. I will look down band later say 7160 or so. Don VE3LYX Yes I have checked out his site several times. He is a very creative fellow. Don VE3LYx Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: k4kyv on November 04, 2011, 04:53:46 PM Tim,
Do you know what was the final outcome with the old transmitter at CFRX? Did someone acquire it, or did it get scrapped? Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 06, 2011, 09:46:23 PM I hung around 7199 7200 today fr awhile. Lot of QRN but still a fair amount of Am there. I tried calling. heard them talk about a station inthere but it might have been pure coincidence. Happened twice though.
I also ran the tx at 225 volts instead of 161. it like it . Power was more than double although that isnt much. I would have to rewire to run it there permanently. i finshed the rework on my home brew Pa today. (50C6 tube now. ) I am short a 10 ohm power resistor for current limit in the PS. I might be able to come up with something tomorow. While the rig is low on output it does work very well so iate to monkey with it. I would rather just use it as an excitier to push the PA. DonVE3LYX. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 06, 2011, 09:56:38 PM ...cfrx tx was replaced with a solid state tx...i've heard that a ham in new york state got it, although i was supposed to get it...typical...
..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 10, 2011, 07:44:20 AM I wish there were at least 1 Canadian on 7290 or a Rochester NY station. I have my rig working now. It is LOW power but I brought in a guest op and took a recvr for a drive in the car. It is definatley getting out. I doubt it will do hundreds of miles in average conditions but it should cross the lake or maybe even hit TO. Cobourg at least I hope. If someone should hear me please know all I want is a signal check. 20 secs of you time. I am listening and sending if clear, mornings as soon as the broadcast stations clear.
Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: WA3VJB on November 10, 2011, 08:35:22 AM Maybe Dog X-Ray if it's clear.
What time are you talking about, Don, I've got some opportunities REAL early morning, like 0900-1030 GMT (4AM-530AM Eastern). Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 10, 2011, 11:29:22 AM ..don.....let me know, when on the weekend you want to try...i work afternoons, and dont get up til about 11am...no time during the week...
..you'd be surprised, i've worked guys in kingston, etc., who were using low power.. ..tim.. ..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 10, 2011, 07:36:30 PM The problem with early Paul is the Broadcaster stay on till about 8Am EST. The lads from Moscow in particular. But in general most of the good AM spots are used up till daylight hours here. I amoften up taht time of day especially in the 5s so if I am I will check . if it is open I will e at the first open spot below the Moscow folks. Mid day is often pretty good here. There is a round table group on though and seems pretty well established. If I come up with a good idea or spot I will post . I have a vfo so I can go anywhere on 40M.
Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 11, 2011, 12:09:31 AM ...don...do you want to try, this weekend?..
..tim.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 11, 2011, 04:31:07 PM Yes I would. I have the Kingston hamfest in the morning but I will be home by probably 2 or 230. PM I think that is mid morning by your time. If you are available. I ll try 7295. If it is occupied by a broadcast station like it was today I will slip down the 7260. If that is no good I will go lower a few kcs and look for a clear spot. Last ditch effort 7200.
I have good power (for me) at all three spots. Don VE3LYx Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: k4kyv on November 11, 2011, 06:30:19 PM ...cfrx tx was replaced with a solid state tx...i've heard that a ham in new york state got it, although i was supposed to get it...typical... ..sk.. Sorry to hear that. I remember you telling me you thought you had a good shot at it. At least (hopefully) it didn't go to a scrap dealer. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 12, 2011, 12:13:15 AM first off, don, k4kyv...i think the ham took it back to n.y. state...
..and don, ok on kingston...i mentioned in an earlier email, i'm south of hanover, ontario...we likely are about 125-150 miles as far as the crow flies...listen on sunday morning, 3725 for our group...9am...saturday morning as well, but you will be in kingston...join in, if you can...look for a dx60, or some little rig...as far as parts, whatever you need, let me know... ..tim.. ..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 12, 2011, 07:14:31 AM 7200 is clear right now I am going to give it a shot.
Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 12, 2011, 10:35:54 AM ...don..it turns out, you are due east of me, and 180 miles...this could work...7120 is a good freq to try...
..tim.. ..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 13, 2011, 03:32:06 PM Tim,
Thanks! What more could I say? It was exciting to see this pile of wire and wood actually getting out. Now i will see what I can do to improve it. I will see what went south with my audio. I expect operator error due to inexperience with AM modulation vrs carrier settings. Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 18, 2011, 03:02:07 PM Realizing that my antenna match left a bit to be desired I designed a PI type ant tuner from my Junk box and built a 13 tap coil from copper tubing. I finshed it up last night and powered it up using only my ear and an attenuated rx's S meter to judge. It appeared to be working . Today I made a patch cable and hooked in my power meter. Just over 5 watts under full modulation. I was just under a watt before. The tuner tunes very well . The inductor swtch works nicely and you can get a raise or loss of power in every position near the sweet spot. I have less than $20 out of pocket and it is very heavy duty. I am cranked now! I also ordered a single gang 365 for y txs output tank so I can cover 80 and 40m with no switching. It should be here in a day or two. Life is good.
Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 18, 2011, 10:52:39 PM A little practice.Some tuning and I netted this during modulation. It will almost hit the 2 on the 50 watt scale on modulation peaks. I know the chances of this meter being accurate are slim to none however the power is up huge no matter what. Used to get under a watt on the 5 watt scale. According to this meter it is banging almost 18 watts under peaks .(I was unable to get the camera to take the picture on the peak but this is as close as I got) So even if I cut that in half for error it is still 9 watts. I am happy.
Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 19, 2011, 12:14:48 AM ....maybe try again this weekend, around 7120...did you get a chance, to do any antenna work?..
..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 19, 2011, 05:09:27 PM I got it raised about double height. I am tuned up on 7120 . I will be in shack tomorrow maybe about 2 pm for sure 2.30 if it works out.
Don VE3LYX Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 19, 2011, 05:45:52 PM ...ok don...i'll be on 7120, 2 pm-ish, sunday...
..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: KX5JT on November 19, 2011, 08:25:45 PM 7120 is off limits for U.S. phone. Our phone band is 7125 to 7300.
Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: ve6pg on November 19, 2011, 10:52:03 PM ..hey john ! ...hope all is going ok... 40 has been great, as most bands...the reason i chose 7120, is there is little, no qrm...nice and quiet...don is running qrp...i heard him last weekend, hope it is better on sunday, with his improvements..
..tim.. ..sk.. Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: KX5JT on November 19, 2011, 11:44:52 PM Going great! Thanks! Yes the bands are full of QRMTESTERS at the moment. ::)
Title: Re: Canadians on 7295 Post by: VE3LYX on November 21, 2011, 10:48:45 AM I can sneak up 5 anytime you want to try. Don VE3LYX AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands