Title: WA3MJY Operating from Hawaii Post by: WA3MJY on October 15, 2011, 01:18:51 AM Hello guys'
I have been operating from the station of my friend Gus MacFeeley NH7J at Wahiawa Oahu on 29.00 mhz. We will be on tomorrow at 20:00 Z. It would be nice to work some of you guys from the Mainland. 73's Rick WA3MJY Title: Re: WA3MJY Operating from Hawaii Post by: Ralph W3GL on October 15, 2011, 02:23:49 AM Rick, Just as an aside, when I was stationed out there at Wheeler AFB, I operated from 1747 Nakula Street there in Wahiawa... Had a two element quad on a push-up mast in the tiny back yard and ran an HT-32 to 4 811A's with a 51J4 receiver. Lots of fun when I was home and not traveling with the boss (Commander PSC) all over the Pacific Security Region area... Sorry I don't have any good 10 meter AM capability right now, would like to try it but will have to wait for another time... Title: Re: WA3MJY Operating from Hawaii Post by: KX5JT on October 15, 2011, 03:36:42 AM Sounds like fun. I worked a VK this week on 29.000 Mhz AM. I'll be listening for you Rick. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
73 John KX5JT *Louisiana* |