Title: 2m AM Post by: WA2ONK on March 25, 2011, 03:29:16 PM Anyone interested in trying some evening 2m AM in the vicinity of Trenton. NJ? At present I have about 7watts with a Clegg 22'er and a 12element horizontally polarized yagi.
Chuck.. Title: Re: 2m AM Post by: W2VW on March 25, 2011, 05:07:50 PM I'm near Toms River aiming your way horiz pol. Listening on 144.210. Dunno If you are stuck with rocks.....
Title: Re: 2m AM Post by: KX5JT on March 26, 2011, 11:32:55 PM Did you guys make contact?
Title: Re: 2m AM Post by: W2VW on March 27, 2011, 07:57:04 AM Not yet. I have some FM nearby. We are going to meet on another mode during the week and switch over to advanced modulation.
Title: Re: 2m AM Post by: K1DEU on April 05, 2011, 10:04:44 PM Nearly finished assembling a pair of Cush Craft 2 meter Boomers 13 elements on both very wide bandwidth to go on the soon to be 19 sections of Rohn 45g. Using a Cushcraft phasing harness with multiple RG-11 sections the newer Cushcraft 26 element array with a 52 ohm combiner was a 3 to 4 week backorder. But this will work well across the entire 4 MHz for AM and CW fun at the lower segment and 2 meter FM direct elsewhere. I have some old transceivers to res-erect ( like a Clegg 22er ) with new electrolytics in stock. Before I guided a local group to put up several local repeators in western, Massachusetts like Mount Greylock, 3,491 ft elevation I had a pair of Cushcraft 11 element yaggi/uda's on the parents roof for direct work with an old GE mobile. Where I replaced the dynamotor with a color TV chassis power xfmr. Cushcraft has a much sturdier element to boom arrangement nowa days. So I expect in several weeks I will be on 75 meter AM looking for direct skeds on 2 meters. 73 Dr. John K1DEU
Title: Re: 2m AM Post by: W2VW on April 06, 2011, 08:32:23 AM Did you guys make contact? Yes. We have talked a couple times so far. it's about a 35 mile path. There's some FM nearby but Chuck's 22er has enough power to be heard here. I'm currently running 25 watts with lesser than great modulation depth. Improvements will be made soon..... Title: Re: 2m AM Post by: W2PFY on April 06, 2011, 10:48:29 AM I can get on two meters from my camp soon but I don't know how far I'll get out? This is a beautiful Sonar 2 meter AM transmitter that is part of my VHF setup.
Title: Re: 2m AM Post by: W2VW on April 06, 2011, 11:06:54 AM If you can get a good horiz pol ant up and wait for a summer opening we might be able to talk. Summertime FM simplex brings stuff from all over within about 300 miles.
AM would be easier. Title: Re: 2m AM Post by: Carl WA1KPD on May 12, 2011, 09:15:44 PM I can get on two meters from my camp soon but I don't know how far I'll get out? This is a beautiful Sonar 2 meter AM transmitter that is part of my VHF setup. Man that is sweet. the vortex must be in dreamland looking at that Title: Re: 2m AM Post by: kb2fcv on November 30, 2011, 11:33:21 PM I've got a 2m Gonset communicator II that I'd love to use more often. I've made 1 QSO with another ham in town. QTH here is New Providence, NJ.. 25 miles west of NYC. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands