The AM Forum

AMfone's Online AM Handbook => Modern Rigs => Topic started by: Steve - K4HX on January 17, 2011, 02:05:37 PM

Title: How to Use This Section - Read Before Posting
Post by: Steve - K4HX on January 17, 2011, 02:05:37 PM
This section is the result of a thread in the QSO section of The AM Forum.

The object is to have links and articles that will help us to build and experiment with our hobby through sharing (one of the hallmarks of amateur radio).

Each and everyone of you have input to this and there is already consideration to putting the material on CD as it grows.  

Please direct comments, questions, and other technical discussion to the Technical Forum. The Handbook Forum is for sharing complete, ready to use information, modifications, building projects, etc. If in doubt, post it in the Technical Forum. The AM Forum Administrators will gladly move posts from the Technical Forum into the Handbook Forum, if deemed appropriate.

So please post your helpful hints, Mods, links and projects with good documentation so all care share the AM/Vintage radio experience.

Please remember when using links be sure you have permission to do so from the site you are providing the link to. It is wise to get the persmisson in an email to have in case of issues.


The AM Fone Team
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands