Title: Balanced line > Drake MN-2000 tuna ( condensed version ) Post by: KC2YOI on July 13, 2010, 01:43:18 PM I would like to put a Drake MN-2000 to work here. It would eliminate an ext. SWR bridge, several jumpers and switches. It will also better handle the L-4B
I'm running the 65' , 600ohm ladder & dipole. I would like to place two J. Mtchbx type posts, not just the S) 239's. Is this possible or practicle? I want to avoid a balun at the tuner end. (as offered on the later Drake 7 series tuner for example). Thanks for any help, DJ http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/drake_mn_2000mn200.html ( example pics ) http://www.radioamateur.eu/schemi/acc_matching/Drake_MN-2000_user.pdf ( Schematic, Page 11, rotate for ease of viewing ) Title: Re: Mods to a Drake MN-2000 tuna for balanced 600 Ohm feed. Post by: ka3zlr on July 13, 2010, 01:53:58 PM There's a thread on the forum on a Balanced tuner I built that thing there's nothen that'll touch it :)
Title: Re: Mods to a Drake MN-2000 tuna for balanced 600 Ohm feed. Post by: KC2YOI on July 13, 2010, 02:00:08 PM There's a thread on the forum on a Balanced tuner I built that thing there's nothen that'll touch it :) I'll look for it. What search term would bring it up here? Thanks Title: Re: Balanced line > Drake MN-2000 tuna ( condensed version ) Post by: DMOD on July 13, 2010, 11:02:11 PM Quote Can I run a 600 ohm balanced line through a Drake MN-2000 tuner with out using a balun? I have a Drake MN-2000 Pi-Tuner and while built like a tank, it does not have any privisions for modification, nor does it have any internal TLT's. The best you can do I think is use one of these with a RG-213 http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/cable/2929.html out to it: http://www.balundesigns.com/servlet/the-66/6-cln-1-balun-designs-feedline/Detail Phil - AC0OB Title: Re: Balanced line > Drake MN-2000 tuna ( condensed version ) Post by: K1ZJH on July 13, 2010, 11:40:29 PM Why a 6:1 current balun? without any antenna details it is hard to say what would work best. I'd opt for the best 1:1 current balun between the open wire and coax that I could find-- if the antenna is going to be a 100-foot open wire feed dipole for multiband use.
Pete k1zjh Title: Re: Balanced line > Drake MN-2000 tuna ( condensed version ) Post by: KC2YOI on July 14, 2010, 12:51:19 AM Pete , Phil, I should have been more specific as to what I'm running here. The feed is about 65' of 6" spaced ladder line feeding a 135' dipole.
I was hoping to run this tuner as it would eliminate about 3 jumpers, 2 switches and an external SWR bridge. The power rating is closer to what I would expect to need, not as marginal as my 275 Matchbox ( not that I don't love my 275 ). The balun I was hoping to avoid would be at the tuner end, as on the later 7 series Drake tuner. ( it was an option on the 7 ) My hope was to tap into the network and install the 2 insulators, as on the J. mtchbx linked coupler. I need to work on my tuner theory here me thinks. I'm not sure if this sheds light. Thanks much for the input, DJ Title: Re: Balanced line > Drake MN-2000 tuna ( condensed version ) Post by: K1ZJH on July 14, 2010, 09:27:47 AM At 135' you'll be near reasonance on 75 meters, so you don't need a 4:1 or 6:1 balun for that band. Most of the baluns supplied with tuners are voltage baluns. I'd still go with a well designed 1:1 current balun for what you're doing. Just my opinion, and I am not an antenna guru by any stretch :) Besides, I'm not sure how you'd convert that tuner to a balanced design without a lot internal rework.
My antenna will hopefully be a 100 foot dipole as many here seem to favor, feed with homemade open wire, to a DX Engineering 1:1 current balun, then my Dentron MT-3000 tuna. Saving up for the plastic spacers, rope and other sundry items that are all overly expensive these days. Pete Title: Re: Balanced line > Drake MN-2000 tuna ( condensed version ) Post by: KC2YOI on July 14, 2010, 06:47:01 PM Pete, AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
Yeah, it looks like a poo poo for the MN-2000 here :-\ I really like the quality of construction, multiple functions and looks of the Drake but the silence here is deafening and I'll take it as a no confidence vote in the idea ;) I'll concentrate on a link coupled breadboard tuna and try to incorporate some of the features I like in the Drake instead. re: your dipole project: Look up some of the answers to my recent threads & you will find lenghty discussions, good links and ideas to do with Dipoles and feeders. I ended up with something I really like that seems to tune & propogate well. As far as material cost and availability, the more of a hurry your in, the more wompom you will lay out. Some corners shouldn't be cut though as far as $. Good luck manno, DJ |