The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W3RSW on February 12, 2010, 05:14:57 PM

Title: Amazing. Sundog killed by rocket takeoff.
Post by: W3RSW on February 12, 2010, 05:14:57 PM
from (

Go to site for the quicktime movie, a frame of which is noted below.

Really cool.

SDO DESTROYS A SUNDOG: The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) lifted off from Kennedy Space Center on Thursday morning, Feb. 11th, kicking off a 5-year mission to study the variability of the sun. Moments after liftoff, SDO did something that astonished and delighted observers. It flew right through a bright, rainbow-colored sundog and destroyed it. Click on the image to launch a 10 MB Quicktime video recorded by13-year-old Anna Herbst of Bishop, California:

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