The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W1AEX on October 31, 2009, 12:29:43 PM

Title: Nice conditions on 40 meters 7.160 this morning
Post by: W1AEX on October 31, 2009, 12:29:43 PM
I happened to see some very strapping signals on 7.160 this morning. KC3OL (Ted), W9AD (Dave), and WD8BIL (Bud) were just finishing up when WB3HUZ (Steve) and I simultaneously stopped by to say hello. About 20 minutes later, as I was exiting the QSO, W0VMC (Rob) joined in too. I recorded a brief segment of Steve's thundering FT-102 and a bit of Bud's very nice sounding 718 (or he might have switched over to his Viking Bud at this point) in the 12kc bandwidth position. The band was doing some long slow fades and at the 10 second mark you can hear Steve in a deep fade while I was receiving on my transmit antenna. At that point I switched to one of my K9AY-type loops and he jumped back up to +30db over. You can hear a couple of other antenna switches that were not quite as remarkable during the clip. Those receive loops are very interesting little antennas. At any rate, it was pleasant to see a lot of strong signals there this morning.


Title: Re: Nice conditions on 40 meters 7.160 this morning
Post by: Steve - WB3HUZ on October 31, 2009, 02:01:39 PM
TNX for the recordings. Forty was in good shape for the longer haul stuff. Stations inside of 200 miles were kinda PW, but at 300 miles or more booming. I made some recording too.

The first is of you Rob - full strap and lots of audio. Your station is about 378 miles from me.

The second recording is Buddly. Once again, a booming signal. Buddly is about 400 miles from me.

The next recording is Dave, W9AD. He's about 690 miles from me.

I also talked with Robert - W0VMC with a very nice signal from 980 miles away and Ted - KC3OL also at about 980 miles.

Title: Re: Nice conditions on 40 meters 7.160 this morning
Post by: Todd, KA1KAQ on October 31, 2009, 02:37:26 PM
I stopped there first this morning, but there was a SSB group on 7158 and a lot of SSB activity around, so up to 7295 the dial spun. Listened to Jay and a W4 while reassembling an old Jensen speaker, then heard you Steve going back to him. Not at first, but at the end when you turned it back and Jay didn't respond.

Threw out a CQ sometime after Jay left around 10:30 and had activity up until a half hour ago. The Gator game starts in a half hour, so it was time to throw the switches and head inside.

The band was a bit mushy early on, but came around nicely by 11 or so. Check down low tonight, it should be a decent evening for some activity.

AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands