The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: WA3VJB on May 09, 2009, 02:16:46 PM

Title: Belfast on 40m
Post by: WA3VJB on May 09, 2009, 02:16:46 PM
I just "worked" MI6WAC while I was on 40m in QSO with KD4BAO, Tony, in SC.

I had called CQ while listening on an internet-based receiver located in Cleveland, and the band was in nice shape out to there.

Tony called back, and most of the QSO continued on 7285 where I had set up.
But then another internet listener checked in on the same receiver I was using (there's a box listing who's tuned in), and then MI6WAC, and then another listener in New Jersey.

By the time we finished up on HF, I had all three of the internet listeners, plus Tony, in the one of the more technologically inclusive QSOs I've ever been in.

Text messaging on the internet chat box, while chatting on HF.  The station in Belfast has a heads-up for nighttime AM activity down low on 40m, so give an ear if he tries to check in.

Tony, for his part, was 20 watts on a Yaesu, and doing well.
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