The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: W9ZSL on July 08, 2008, 05:42:27 PM

Title: Signal Corps 1945 BC-1332 Transmitter
Post by: W9ZSL on July 08, 2008, 05:42:27 PM
 ??? Hi group! I have a friend who came up with a US Army BC-1332. I've had the very divvel of a time getting info on the thing. It still has original-issue tags and was found among some stuff the CAP was getting rid of several years ago here in northern Wisconsin. It is a definate Jeep-mounted and probably had a companion BC-1333 rcvr. The unit has one Weston 0-150 MA meter that does everything via a complex bridging switch. It is 11" high by 19 1/2" wide by 18" deep.  He wants to eBay it and I'm helping him out. Hey, who says two old Fahrts can't clean out a troubled garage?  Any word on this bird?  Mike Kuehl (ex-K9ZSL) Goal...ticket back by fall!  73.

Title: Re: Signal Corps 1945 BC-1332 Transmitter
Post by: N0WEK on July 09, 2008, 02:37:39 AM
I believe that that's the same as a BC-902 which is a marker beacon transmitter that transmits one of three tones on 75 mhz at about 3 watts.

Title: Re: Signal Corps 1945 BC-1332 Transmitter
Post by: W9ZSL on July 09, 2008, 04:47:12 PM
 ;D It's a LOT more than that! On inspection it has a built-in PA system that uses at least two military equiv. or even 4 "6L6" tubes with a modulator section and a batch of output tubes. This has a key and mic jack and is built as a driver to a higher-power stage of audio, public address or RF. It is modular as stage one. As a stand alone in a jeep, the beacon tracked the transmitter. The beacon is probably in there but so is an at least 100 watt AM/CW rig!
Da Mix

Title: Re: Signal Corps 1945 BC-1332 Transmitter
Post by: N0WEK on July 10, 2008, 02:40:49 AM
Here at least it's listed as a marker beacon transmitter and an improved BC-902.

These were built to run 24/7 so I'd say it'd be very overbuilt. The modulator section will modulate it with one of three different tones.
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