The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => The ARRL Forum => Topic started by: Pete, WA2CWA on October 17, 2007, 08:40:39 PM

Title: No Regulation by Bandwidth Recommendations at 2008 Annual Meeting
Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on October 17, 2007, 08:40:39 PM
The minutes of the ARRL Executive Committee Meeting held on October 6, 2007 are now posted.

Item 3.4 states: "The committee discussed briefly the status of efforts to develop a generally acceptable proposal to regulate amateur subbands by bandwidth rather than by mode of emission. While addressing the issues that arise from the introduction of many new digital modes into the HF bands cannot be postponed indefinitely, it is important to develop a consensus in the amateur community before seeking FCC rulemaking again. The committee will not be offering specific recommendations to the Board for consideration at its 2008 Annual Meeting."

There were some other interesting items in the minutes which also include "International Matters". To read the entire minutes, go here: (

Title: Re: No Regulation by Bandwidth Recommendations at 2008 Annual Meeting
Post by: ab3al on October 17, 2007, 09:13:05 PM

go to this link and read what has already been proposed.. basically the death of AM ESSB RTTY amtor sstv and packet on hf.  the max allowable bandwidth would be 2.7  for those not in the know this means that even a ssb signal would limited to less bandwith than that of an old western electric telephonium with carbonium element 300-3500 per belcore specs.

hmmmm didnt the arrl kill the hobby once before with a hairbrained idea.. oh yeah all of those extras that had to retake the exams because of the new license structure they pushed for.

this is worse than the HOA president showing up at my door with his shorts pulled up to his arm pits and his penny loafers telling me I had to plant shrubs to replace the ones that broke my sewer line.  the same bushes the public works guy told me never to plant again.  These people feel the need to constantly justify their existance through stupid and uneducated legislation.

oh well hopefully this will go away just like the HOA guy did when I invited him into my living room to discuss the problem.  Maybe it was the AR15 that I was cleaning on the coffee table. Or maybe the M1, AK47 SKS Takaroff and the 50 cal desert eagle waiting their turn on the couch that made him decide not to press the issue.  Must be because i havent heard squat about the 3 60 foot steel masts I erected in the back yard.

let the games begin

Title: Re: No Regulation by Bandwidth Recommendations at 2008 Annual Meeting
Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on October 17, 2007, 09:21:42 PM
IARU Region 2 band plan, effected January 1, 2008, is being discussed in this thread: (

I see no reason to discuss it here too.

Title: Re: No Regulation by Bandwidth Recommendations at 2008 Annual Meeting
Post by: WD8BIL on October 18, 2007, 08:02:20 AM
I see no reason to discuss it here too.

Only to point out they are working the "back door" while trying to keep the front door looking....... innocent !
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands