The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W1RC on May 09, 2007, 05:47:46 AM

Title: Who Are the People Who Made NEAR-Fest I Happen?
Post by: W1RC on May 09, 2007, 05:47:46 AM
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Many of you have been directing a lot of thanks and congratulations to me since NEAR-Fest I is now history.  Creating and organizing the first NEAR-Fest at Deerfield has been without a doubt one of the most satisfying and enjoyable experiences I have experienced in my 40 odd-years of involvement in Amateur Radio. 

A lot of people have asked me how I did it in the six weeks after the contract was signed.  Let's clear up one misconception - I didn't do it - WE did it.  Everyone who sent in their $$ early did  it.  247 of you.  $8,000.00 in advance sales made this possible.  Everyone who volunteered did it.  Everyone who travelled from New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, even California, all determined to preserve the "Grand Tradition" and keep the flame burning!  All of you!  WE DID IT!!!!

My role in this effort was conceptual and site-acquisition oriented.  Once the Fairgrounds were secured it quickly became directed at raising the necessary funds and planning the logistics of the now very real NEAR-Fest I that was rapidly approaching.

Gary, W2INR, presented me with a fully running Web site at no cost complete with the NEAR-FEST.COM domain already registered and ready to gog.  He gave me EVERYTHING I asked for, including the NEAR-Fest forum.  I did not spend a dime on advertising or publicity.  Without this web site, up and running as quickly as it was, none of us would have made that incredible and wonderful journey to Deerfield NH and back we just have experienced. 

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W2INR is hereby accorded the title of NEAR-Fest Founder for his outstanding work.

Clem VE2BIA from Quebec also deserves our thanks.  He translated the information sheet into French and attended several hamfests in The Province to publicize NEAR-Fest and sell tickets.  Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Beauregard!  Leo, VE2SI did likewise on the English side.  I heard a lot of hams from Quebec as well as Ontario, New Brunswick and even a couple from Nova Scotia. 

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VE2BIA is hereby accorded the title of NEAR-Fest Founder for his outstanding work promoting NEAR-Fest north of the Border.

Others helped us by selling tickets and passes at hamfests in March and April.  These include Joe, K1JEK, Kurt W1OBQ and Jerry K0TV. 

Essentially Gary and I got everyone, management, staff and attendees together at the Deerfield Fairground gates.  At 6:00AM Friday the control of the event shifted away from me and Mike, K1TWF took the helm.  Gary and I were free to pretty much casually attend the event (yeah, sure!) and just monitor the site.

The guys you should really thank for the way the show was actually conducted are Mike, K1TWF, aka "Twoof" and Ed, N1IWV.  Because I knew I couldn't possibly run this event properly I asked Mike to run NEAR-Fest because he has done such a super fine job running the ARRL New England Convention at Boxborough MA since 2000.  Mike is the ARRL New England Vice Director (in charge of all vice in New England).   Ed is the Head Honcho in charge of the Commercial Exhibits and Chief Bean Counter at Boxborough.  He took on the NEAR-Fest challenge despite the fact that he's moving to NH a few weeks after the event. If you're wondering why there isn't a picture of him, it's because he is reticent.  I don't recall ever seeing a picture of Ed.  We'll try to find one for ya!

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Mike, K1TWF ran this show and let me tell you, RAN is the word.  I've seen Mike run before at Boxborough MA several times.  Only one person can be in charge and he was that person the entire time we were at Deerfield.  Mike had to deal with some problems that surfaced because I screwed up but we got through it all and we now have enough $$$ to pay for NEAR-Fest II.  Many of you laughed at the prize drawing when I said that if I had been in charge of running the 'Fest you'd still be waiting at the gates to get in.  I wasn't joking.  Thanks to Twoof and his volunteers, Gate F opened at exactly 9:00AM and NEAR-Fest I was under way, as promised, on schedule! 

For their outstanding efforts K1TWF and N1IWV are also hereby accorded the title of NEAR-Fest Founders.

Tim, WA1HLR also deserves a lot of recognition for his innovative 'On-Site" communications systems.  There are, of course, some developmental difficulties and Tim expects them to work themselves out over time.  However the two micro-broadcasting stations took the challenge and provided informational services over the airwaves.  Public opinion seems to indicate that the lack of a site-wide PA system was a good thing.  Next time bring more radios and listen to them if youwant official announcements. 

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The title of NEAR-Fest Founder has been bestowed upon WA1HLR for his innovative work.

An unsung hero is Bruce, W1LUS who ran the VE examining session at the Fire Station.  He and his VE Team report that they had 30 exam candidates and there are 11 new technicians, 11 new General upgrades and one extra upgrade.  That ain't bad!  Thanks, Bruce.

Every one of you who picked up a piece of trash or a cigarette butt helped in this effort.  During the 'Fester many of us, including the representative from the Fair Committee were very impressed with the fact that there was literally no litter (sorry) anywhere.  The Garbage Detail fascinated him the most.  He couldn't believe that a gang of the sorriest miscreants ever seen in the place driving around the grounds in a small bucket loader to which a chair was attached with someone getting "The Big Ride" were having so much fun for two days.  But behind the laughter they were actually hauling trash from the barrels to the dumpster. 

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Without the dedicated efforts of Brenteena, W1IA, Jim, N1HTS and Jim, K1KQ and their "Garbage Detail" crew we would probably not be as welcome back at Deerfield as it appears that we are.

The Site Monitors and Cleanup Crew also deserve high marks and your vote of gratitude for their efforts.   This was also extremely important work. 

I also want to thank the commercial vendors and dealers who occupied the two commercial buildings and Al, K1AKS who took care of their needs.  In addition I'd personally like to acknowledge the efforts of Mr. Alan O'Neal, a member of the Deerfield Fair Association Board of Directors.  Alan worked with us to get the contractual details sorted out quickly so we could have the Fairgrounds with such short notice.  This also included a severe 'Nor Easter' that flooded the area and Deerfield was an island for several days with no telephone service to boot.  It was a pleasure to work with Alan and we all owe him our thanks and appreciation for making these wonderful grounds available to us.

The Fairgrounds easily passed inspection with high marks just before 6:00 on Saturday and we returned it to the owners in the same condition as we had received it.

Most important, the Fair Association seems to be completely satisfied with the way we conducted ourselves and we are welcome to use their grounds again.  However this is because we have set a high standard for ourselves in order to earn their approval which we must now maintain if we wish to keep using their Fairgrounds.  However this is not going to happen by itself.

Although almost everyone there acted responsibly and removed their unsold junk there were a very small number who were not so inclined.  Thanks to the watchful attendees who brought them to our attention we were able to convince many of them to do the right thing and take it all home.  However not everyone was so cooperative.  Fortunately, our Sergeant-At-Arms, Paul, W1PRA, was there to explain it to them in terms even they could understand. 

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The persistent (and costly) problem of abandoned garbage and metal that has plauged so many other hamfests was virtually eliminated at Deerfield this time and we are committed to keeping it this way.  There were no homeless monitors found, although one clown tried to dump three of 'em but we caught him and after a brief chat with Paulie the monitors went home with the owner.  We now know who some of these people are and if they visit us again we will keep a close eye on them.  It is unfortunate that NEAR-Fest must adopt and maintain such an aggressive approach to this problem but this is the just the kind of thing unchecked that would get us booted out of Deerfield forever and none of us want this to happen again because it would mean the end of NEAR-Fest.  It has become clear to those of us responsible for running NEAR-Fest that given the times in which we live this policy of aggressive enforcement must be maintained and refined and this will be done.

For their hard work and dedication the following have been accorded the title of NEAR-Fest Founding Associate.  They are listed in no particular order.

Brent, W1IA
Jim, N1HTS 
Leo, VE2SI                               
Paul, W1PRA     
Al, K1AKS                                   
Jerry, K0TV 
Jeff, KA1OGM
Jim, K1KQ
Joe, K1JEK                                             
Kurt, W1OBQ
Todd, KA1KAQ                                       
Bruce, W1LUS                                       
John, KB1OBH
Tom, W1VVV                                         
John, K1JJS
Larry, NE1S                                           
Bob, W1NH
John, N1WIL   90.5
Jeff, N1ZZN, 103.1
Mike, N1IW                                           
Eric, KA1SUN

(more to be added)

As far as folks attending NEAR-Fest I my old friend Neil, K6SMF and his XYL Arleen KF6LAF had to have travelled the longest distance.  They drive over 3,000 miles from Los Angeles specifically to be with us on this monumental occasion.  They had such a great time Neil says they're coming back in October.

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For their outstanding dedication and perseverence in driving from California to Deerfield NH to attend NEAR-Fest I, K6SMF and KF6LAF are also hereby accorded the title of NEAR-Fest Founders.

Now it comes back to me and Gary to begin moving towards NEAR-Fest II and the "Deerfield Cycle" starts again.   Keep tuned to the NEAR-Fest Web site for the latest details.  We'll see you all at Deerfield on October 12th! 

Isn't it great just to be able to say "see you at Deerfield" again!


MrMike, W1RC
NEAR-Fest Founder and Chairman

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Title: Re: Who Are the People Who Made NEAR-Fest I Happen?
Post by: wb1aij on May 10, 2007, 08:17:45 AM
This is beautiful, what efficiency & coordination. Talk about solving problems and "Getting the Job Done." Why can't we get people like this to run our government? I guess they are all having too much fun playing radio. Great job guys. I have never been to any of the Deerfield or Hoss Traders Hamfests ( my loss to be sure) but I am planning NOW to attend in the fall. I HAVE to experience this.

I thank you guys that make this event possible.

AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands