The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: n3lrx on November 21, 2006, 03:50:35 AM

Title: Digging into the Gold Mine..
Post by: n3lrx on November 21, 2006, 03:50:35 AM
As I posted before I found a whole boat load of boat anchor stuff.. Parts, incomplete radios, tubes, test equipment, all sorts of stuff that's bound to be worth something to someone. I was going to take pictures of as many items as I could but it seems my digital camera has decided to develop an attitude. Time for a new one I guess..

Anyway, anyone local interested in digging through the pile let me know. I was originally going to give it all away but I have unfortunately  some unexpected  expenses have come up. I am willing to sell or trade all of it, no reasonable cash offer or trade refused. I do not want to put any of this stuff on eBay I would much rather see it go to someone within the AM community where I know it will go to good use somewhere. I'm also not expecting to make top dollar for this stuff.. I've just been hit with some unexpected medical bills that I need to take care of.  I promised W3JN first choice on the AR-88's but if he should decide not to take one or both of them they too will be up for bid. Regretfully if John does not want them I cannot ship them! To be honest, in my position of health I doubt I can even lift them! If you cannot pick them up yourself if you can arrange for someone to pick them up for you that's fine. Shipping 120+lbs is too much of a hassle.

Here's what I know I have so far.
2 RCA AR-88's (I believe one is a D the other an LF)
Several bags of Caps, Electros, Ceramic, Waxed Foil, Silver Mica, Orange Drops, Metal Film, Poly Film, Malory Dual values, Malory singles, a handful of Doorknobs, a bunch High voltage Micas, Transistors, IC's, small coil forms, Miller chokes and inductors, resistors of all sorts, carbon, metal film, wire wound, 2 Halicrafters (1) S- 38 (1) S-38-D RX's, Heathkit tube tester, Signal Generators RF and AF, Heathkit Grid Dip, 2 Eico VTVMs, Eico Cap substitution box, Variable power supplies (low voltage DC), tons of small tubes, Drake TR-3/RV-3, Techtronics 422 Oscope, more stuff is likely to turn up as well.

Should I have a mini-holiday Hamfest or what??

I'm sure most people locally will be away this weekend or otherwise obligated but anyone who wants to take a look at the stash let me know we can arrange some time to meet.

Title: Re: Digging into the Gold Mine..
Post by: w3jn on November 21, 2006, 08:07:25 AM
Randy, sorry I didn't give you a call Sunday - I got tied up all day despite my previous goal of having the day clear.

Anyway I'll give you a call.  And I think I have a solution for your VFO problem.  I looked at the skizmatic for that xmitter and  it looks like you can just put a nice tank circuit in place of the crystal - it's just a run of the mill Colpitts oscillator.  I'm going out of town for Tnxgiving but will give you a call when I get back.

BTW you definitely want to keep some of the test equipment - like that grid dip meter!  I'm happy to help you sort the wheat from the chaff.

73 John
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands