The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W2INR on July 30, 2006, 07:52:27 AM

Title: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: W2INR on July 30, 2006, 07:52:27 AM
How would you like to see the QSO section managed.

How structured should we be?

It's original conception was to create a hang out ,if you will, for the AM community on the web. Like being in a PUB somewhere.


Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: k3zrf on July 30, 2006, 07:55:38 AM

I believe it's like being on the radio in a qso already....some are break in, some are are quirky and as always some are very l-o-n-g winded.

Just my $.02

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: Tom WA3KLR on July 30, 2006, 08:15:34 AM
I think we're just experiencing Dog Days fever.

Before the Ted Nugent on Deer Hunting thread, I noticed that the board's activity had dropped a lot, due to other summer-time attentions.  Sometimes there would be only be a few postings all day long.

Activity has picked up, rejoice!

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: W3SLK on July 30, 2006, 08:32:48 AM
Leave it go the way it is now, G. Every once in a while there is a little political shot tossed here or there but I think most of that is a good natured jab :) If the author of a thread feels that it got too out of hand, like you said previously in another thread, he can pull the plug. Since the re-establishing of the Inquirer, the political posturing/rhetoric has dropped to miniscule levels.

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: W2INR on July 30, 2006, 09:48:42 AM

Summertime has shown over time to have a lower activity count and for good reasons. Same on the airwaves. Radio season is only a few weeks away!!!!

I am only posing this question to get a fix on how most feel about this. I for one am fine with the way we do business here but there are over 1000 more people that have a say also.

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: W9GT on July 30, 2006, 10:31:26 AM
I think it is fine the way it is now.  I think the Ted Nugent thing has gone a little overboard to extend a thread, just for the sake of extending a thread.  However, as long as someone has something to say...let them say it!  I enjoy the forum, although, I must say that sometimes my postings seem to go unnoticed...maybe I'm an outsider?  Anyway, I sure enjoy AM and the common interests that most of us seem to have.

Thanks and 73,  Jack, W9GT

Title: Re: How
Post by: WA3VJB on July 30, 2006, 11:18:55 AM
Would you believe I only just now tapped the "Ted Nugent" thread again after I first saw it?
No, I am not reading all through 15 pages of posts. I've got the jist of it, I'm sure.

But by way of voting to leave the QSO section alone in the way it is managed, I'm using myself as an example of skipping stuff that does not seem to interest me.

The flamer posts are handled under the existing structure, as are the topless shots, the NOS sanitary napkins on ebay, and other stuff that we've agreed belongs elsewhere.

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: KA1ZGC on July 30, 2006, 12:55:26 PM
Like a pub, huh? When are you going to set it up so I can blow CW over my beer bottle?  ;)

All we need to keep the QSO section sane is a little self-control, and I think we've got that for the most part. Let's not mess with a good thing.

Tnx fer a gud thing, G.

Killer Appetizer One Zesty Green Cannabis

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: W2INR on July 30, 2006, 01:00:47 PM
I must say that sometimes my postings seem to go unnoticed... 

Welcome to my world Jack!!! ;)


Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: wa2zdy on July 30, 2006, 01:17:23 PM
As a sometime visitor here I will comment that I rarely see anything overboard here and when I do I remind myself I can click the X.   Then I remind myself that everyone here, mostly, is an adult (I know we have young'uns visit too) and that all behave accordingly.  As the father of five, I've never seen anything here I would be angry to learn my kids had found first.

You folks running this board are doing a fine job and I for one never let a day go by without being thankful I am welcome here as a guest.  The day I no longer act like a guest is the day I hope someone will slap me back into place, again, just as I would with my children.

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: K1JJ on July 30, 2006, 01:23:02 PM
Yes, this BB should remain the way it is. The board is remarkably well behaved compared to many  BB's out there. It's probably due to this being a close knit group and having smart moderators. Unlike a BB where you can flame everyone and leave for good, on this BB you can never fully leave cuz it carries over when getting on the air. (on AM)  What other hobby has that connection and continuity? It adds responsibility to the equation.

One thing I noticed from that Ted Nugent thread is what Ben Franklin?? said about trying to change a man's mind.  Basically, when a man's mind is made up, you can try to change it, but it's usually is a waste of time. I saw great debates from all sides, but no one got in there and said, "ya know what?  I see your point and have decided to change my view completely."  It will never happen with politics, religion and other "soft" subjects.

However, on this site it is a very common to see guys change their views when talking about electronics, antennas and physics-type subjects.  I try to stay with those subjects and often feel I've accomplished something in the end. In the political debates, I usually feel like I should have spent my time chasing the wind - or better yet, putting in AM time on the air!   Just think of the activity, if we could convert the energy put into that Ted Nugent thread to on-air time... ;D


Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: W1ATR on July 31, 2006, 12:05:11 AM
Yes, this BB should remain the way it is. The board is remarkably well behaved compared to many  BB's out there. It's probably due to this being a close knit group and having smart moderators. Unlike a BB where you can flame everyone and leave for good, on this BB you can never fully leave cuz it carries over when getting on the air. (on AM)  What other hobby has that connection and continuity? It adds responsibility to the equation.

Very well said.

My vote is to keep this BB going just as it is. It works well, and it's a great forum. I used to read another board (name ends in zed), and the amount of bickering over every stinkin' little thing was unbelievable. The way they get going over such trivial subject's and berate each other at a moment's notice is an embarrassment to themselves, and ham radio as a whole. God help us if a prospective ham lands there and gets the idea that this is amateur radio. Our numbers would never go up.

73 Jared W1ATR


Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: Ed KB1HVS on July 31, 2006, 10:58:58 AM
 The TN thread is just a example of how diverse this group is both on and off the air.It makes for a good read and good QSO . I feel that no-one has been offended in any way. Like Buddily says.."Aint your cuppa tea click out" There is a certain Semolina Flour and bleached White Flour based BB (net that occupies the bottom end of the window) whose Napoleon like leader only allows the things that he (they) seem fit. One sided and no room for debate. Makes for a bland existence. Thanks Gary for a great place to hang out :)

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: W1JS on July 31, 2006, 11:44:34 AM

Leave it as is, please. 

Interesting to note that when I "voted" that is the unanimous decision of the group so far.

This is the only BB which I check into regularly (like every day!).  It's a group I'd hang out with at any pub.

The marvelous thing about radio and computers, which I discovered a long time ago, is that they come with "off" switches (or maybe "buttons" on computers). 

FB job on the BB OM!  TNX! 


Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: wb1aij on July 31, 2006, 12:02:41 PM
The management of the subject matter is fine in my opinion. I wouldn't mind seeing a limit on the length of postings; especially the ones that quote multiple other postings and then write lengthy volumes of their own. B O O O R R R I N G.

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: David, K3TUE on July 31, 2006, 01:43:32 PM
I find dealing with forum topics like radio or TV.  If you don't like it, don't read it.
Please, leave it as it is.

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: Ed Nesselroad on July 31, 2006, 01:52:26 PM
I believe it was Aristotle who said, "Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit."

This is what we do with friends after a 'fest, in the woods during Field Day, or in other informal and opportunistic settings.  Easy on the rules...

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: Glenn NY4NC on July 31, 2006, 02:22:18 PM
Good advise which I will follow from now on.

I try to stay with those subjects and often feel I've accomplished something in the end. In the political debates, I usually feel like I should have spent my time chasing the wind - or better yet, putting in AM time on the air!   Just think of the activity, if we could convert the energy put into that Ted Nugent thread to on-air time... ;D


Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: AG4YO on July 31, 2006, 04:03:52 PM
You guys have a good thing going here.  I wouldn't change it at all.  Good job Gary.

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: wa1knx on July 31, 2006, 05:26:23 PM
Steady as she goes, we can keep buddly in check , hes a good guy!  ;)

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: John Holotko on July 31, 2006, 10:22:14 PM
If it ain't broke don't fix it. Seems to be runnin mighty fine the way it is. Let it be like it is.

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: The Slab Bacon on August 01, 2006, 07:59:05 AM
    Dont change anything! The diversity of the flow is what has created the dynamics of this forum!! It works too good to change!!

If someone doesnt find a thread interesting, there are many more to check out.
Just like an on-air qso. As far as differences of opinion go, it is like that certain part of the anatomy, "we all have one!" As long as all of us can agree to disagree agreably, it makes for good conversation and mind stimulation.

Little pokes at each other are fun as long as they dont get malicious and personal, this adds to the dynamics of it all. As far as QSO (thread) implosions go I believe that all of us are guilty of it on the air at one time or another. It is just something that happens. We have all done it at one time or another, it just happens. I always refer to it as "radio bad breath".

It aint broke, dont fix it!
                                                 The Slab Bacon

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: Vortex Joe - N3IBX on August 01, 2006, 08:02:58 AM
      I too believe "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"! I enjoy the diversity of topics; and it's just like you say: "like hanging out in a pub".

The QSO section is how I get my internet RF fix!

                 Joe N3IBX

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: WB2CAU on August 01, 2006, 09:24:06 AM
I'm perfectly happy with it the way it has been running all along.  No need to change anything. :)

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: Ed-VA3ES on August 02, 2006, 03:40:52 PM
You change anything, and I'll sue!!!!!!   >:( - Glen Bastard

Just leave it like it is! 8)

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: W1UX on August 03, 2006, 03:15:10 PM
The big question is, do I want bottled, or draft, in this FB pub!
Neat thing already Gary is I can git Rolling Rock, Heineken, Lobstah Brew, Shipyahd Ale, Dogfish Ale, or Portygee Sagres. Hell, even some o'dat canned stuff they call beah!

Yep, it's a great pub as it is Gary. Nicely vahnished bar top, foaming glasses o'brew, the greatest company!
Radio Season is only a few weeks away, finest kind!

Tnx Gary hi hi (telegraphic laugh, telegraphic laugh)

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: Vortex Joe - N3IBX on August 03, 2006, 03:18:40 PM
The big question is, do I want bottled, or draft, in this FB pub!
Neat thing already Gary is I can git Rolling Rock, Heineken, Lobstah Brew, Shipyahd Ale, Dogfish Ale, or Portygee Sagres. Hell, even some o'dat canned stuff they call beah!

Yep, it's a great pub as it is Gary. Nicely vahnished bar top, foaming glasses o'brew, the greatest company!
Radio Season is only a few weeks away, finest kind!

Tnx Gary hi hi (telegraphic laugh, telegraphic laugh)

Al ,
    When I hear you on the 160M "Pub", the first one's on me!
    Long time no modulate.
                                     Joe Cro N3IBX

Title: Re: How do you want to see the QSO section Managed
Post by: W1RKW on August 05, 2006, 11:18:07 AM
I too believe the QSO section should remain the way it is.  That topic that went to 20 pages recently got my feathers ruffled and concerned that the post wasn't meeting the guidelines of the forum rules.  I guess I was overly concerned.  Many PM'ed me to tell me all was alright and I need not worry.  I guess I under estimated things and many of you.  My apologies and thanks to those who I under estimated. And thanks to those who assured me all was OK.   

As someone stated earlier in this thread, this BB is well behaved unlike others out there.  Everyone has done a great job including those behind the scenes.  I'm glad to be apart of this and thank you for having me aboard.

Please don't change anything.

Title: Managed As-Is, Where-Is
Post by: Todd, KA1KAQ on August 07, 2006, 02:44:46 PM
As usual, I'm late to the thread thanks to getting the house ready to sell.  ::)

But it's ironic - I was just having this conversation with someone recently, maybe W1UJR and marveling at how well this group handles itself overall. I belong to a number of email reflectors on and elsewhere, and this group is by far my preferred time-burner.

We all have opinions and generally don't mind sharing them or hearing them from others - whether we agree or not. Still, there will always be someone who wants to use a benign thread for their own political purposes, or otherwise try to kick the hive in some way. No different than 'real life' in a face-to-face way. But the folks here always seem to handle it well by debunking, dismissing, or otherwise ignoring the attempt. It seldom seems to go very far (I didn't read the Ted thread, so I'm clueless there). The Inquirer must be absorbing most of it.

We seem to play pretty well together, not a lot of things get thrown around. Whether here, on the air, at Hosstraders, G-burg or anywhere else, this is a top notch group. I can't imagine it any other way.  PuhLEEEEase don't change it!

And 'GT Jack - I'd really like to speak 30K with you some day soon.
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands