The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: John Holotko on July 18, 2005, 01:02:38 PM

Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: John Holotko on July 18, 2005, 01:02:38 PM
Just curious.  Although I don't smoke or use tobacco in any form anymore years ago I was a tobacco chewer and also a tobacco pipe smoker. I make the distinguismnet as there are other types of pipes that people do smoke, tobacco or non-tobacco.  I used to primarilly enjoy a good tobacco pipe when i was on the air. One of my favorite activities was to fire up on the air, join a good conversation and smoke a good pipe.

Which leads me to the question. Are there any other pipe smoking hams out there. Out of all the American hams I wonder what percentage are pipe smokers. I would like to do a survey of pipe smoking hams. Call it smoked ham.

Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: Paul, K2ORC on July 18, 2005, 02:06:36 PM
I'm not touching this one.  :lol:

Title: Re: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: Glenn K2KL on July 18, 2005, 02:20:03 PM
I am told, this can also be used for tobacco...

(Sorry John, I wanted to beat Tom Vu to the punch  :lol:  :lol: )

Quote from: John Holotko
Which leads me to the question. Are there any other pipe smoking hams out there. Out of all the American hams I wonder what percentage are pipe smokers. I would like to do a survey of pipe smoking hams. Call it smoked ham.


Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: W6FO on July 18, 2005, 06:49:35 PM
As long as there are no "cigar" smokers among us, I don't care what Tom Vu smokes.

- JT

Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: k4kyv on July 18, 2005, 10:49:15 PM

Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: W1GFH on July 18, 2005, 11:10:25 PM

Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: Ed KB1HVS on July 19, 2005, 02:08:17 AM

Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: Vortex Joe - N3IBX on July 19, 2005, 09:45:16 AM
I don't smoke a pipe, but had a visiting Ham a few weeks ago fire up his bowl of "Captain Jack" in my basement shack when he was visiting. I really enjoyed the aromatic mixture and realized it was the first time anyone fired up a pipe anywhere in my house.

The xyl didn't like it but I thought it was kind of kewl.

Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: John Holotko on July 19, 2005, 10:25:54 AM
Now where is my yen tsiang ??

Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: John Holotko on July 19, 2005, 10:34:24 AM
Quote from: Vortex Joe - N3IBX
I don't smoke a pipe, but had a visiting Ham a few weeks ago fire up his bowl of "Captain Jack" in my basement shack when he was visiting. I really enjoyed the aromatic mixture and realized it was the first time anyone fired up a pipe anywhere in my house.

The xyl didn't like it but I thought it was kind of kewl.

Hi Joe,

One of the things about tobacco pipes that caught my attention at a young age was the sweet aromatic scent of the tobacco.  Unlike cigarettes pipes seemed to have a unique quality,  the different types, shapes and that charachteristic aroma of quality  tobacco.

When i did smoke tobacco pipes I also smoked "Captain Black". Out of all the off the shalf pre-blended tobaccos it seemed to have a very pleasing sweet aroma and it's taste was quite mild. Over the years I have tried various custom blends of cavendsh and latakia tobaccos. One of the most pleasant tasting tobaccos I smoked was a blend consiting of near pure latakia. However many peole don;t like the aroma of latakia as it tends to have a rather sharp pungent odor that many find objectionable,

I also chewed tobacco Red Man, Wrigleys, Beech Nut etc. About ten years ago I qui all forms of tobacco permanently. I was too worried about the potential health problems soi I decided to end my chewing, smoking endeavors once and for all.

BTW, I wonder if anyone out here knows the name of the type of pipe that Sherlock Holmes made famous ??


Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: Joe-N2YR on July 19, 2005, 02:42:45 PM
I believe it was a  MERSHAM PIPE. This was the favorite of a SK friend and ham, Al, N2SHG. His last night on the air there was a large group of the "Gangsters" on the air and "Sherlock" (Al) Had the pipe stoked up and was telling everyone he was packing everything up for a move to "Allbaloney" (Albany) and would be off the air for awhile......... :(

Title: Pipe Smoking Hams
Post by: John Holotko on July 19, 2005, 04:54:54 PM
Quote from: Joe-N2YR
I believe it was a  MERSHAM PIPE. This was the favorite of a SK friend and ham, Al, N2SHG. His last night on the air there was a large group of the "Gangsters" on the air and "Sherlock" (Al) Had the pipe stoked up and was telling everyone he was packing everything up for a move to "Allbaloney" (Albany) and would be off the air for awhile......... :(

Actually you're partially right.   The style is called a Calabash pipe. They were originally made out of hollowed out gourds. The inner bowl is usually made from Meershaum, porcelin or clay.   BTW that call N2SHG sounds very familiar.  Sorry to hear of his passing.


Title: weak soul
Post by: wa1knx on July 19, 2005, 11:31:39 PM
if I could smoke a pipe, and esp some of the tobacco's
I used to like, w/o becoming a chain smoker, I would!
Loved Cherry, cap blk etc. dumped a 3-4 pack a day
habit 20yrs ago. Glad to have that monkey off my

Title: Re: weak soul
Post by: John Holotko on July 20, 2005, 09:54:10 AM
Quote from: wa1knx
if I could smoke a pipe, and esp some of the tobacco's
I used to like, w/o becoming a chain smoker, I would!
Loved Cherry, cap blk etc. dumped a 3-4 pack a day
habit 20yrs ago. Glad to have that monkey off my

Well, it's great that you kickied the habit. The last thing you want is to go back. I kicked pipes, chewing tobacco about ten or more years ago and I have no plans to go back.

Title: Re: weak soul
Post by: Jim, W5JO on July 20, 2005, 12:09:17 PM
Quote from: John Holotko
Well, it's great that you kickied the habit. The last thing you want is to go back. I kicked pipes, chewing tobacco about ten or more years ago and I have no plans to go back.

Don't you still get edgy John?  My dad quit about 30 years ago and still enjoys smelling the stuff.

Title: Re: weak soul
Post by: John Holotko on July 20, 2005, 03:13:03 PM
Quote from: Jim, W5JO
Quote from: John Holotko
Well, it's great that you kickied the habit. The last thing you want is to go back. I kicked pipes, chewing tobacco about ten or more years ago and I have no plans to go back.

Don't you still get edgy John?  My dad quit about 30 years ago and still enjoys smelling the stuff.

Oh yes, I'd be lying if I said I don't get edgy now and then.  Much ike a junkie might swoon over a syringe full of dope, so do I swoon over a nice rich aromatic tobacco. I love the aroma of a good pipe. And I love the smell of quality blended tobacco. And yes, I do get the urge to smoke it sometimes.  But I quit because of the fear of health problems. I started reading about baseball players, and even kids, and others who have chewed  tobacco and developed life threatening tumors and cancers.  Every time I got a sore in my mouth I started thinking, "maybe this is it", "maybe I finally did myself in". I got so fed up with it one day I threw whatever tobacco I had left down the toilet, flushed it and I haven't smoked or chewed since.  I hope I never go back to it. I wish others who want to quit all the strength in the world and the best of luck.
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