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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: K4NYW on February 12, 2023, 09:48:13 AM

Title: Orlando hamfest photos
Post by: K4NYW on February 12, 2023, 09:48:13 AM
Orlando hamfest photos
Pretty good turnout of vintage gear and vintage friends.
Photos Thursday afternoon setup and on Friday. We didn't stay for Sat-Sun.

Title: Re: Orlando hamfest photos
Post by: KD1SH on February 12, 2023, 12:28:02 PM
Fun stuff. Thanks -

Title: Re: Orlando hamfest photos
Post by: w8khk on February 12, 2023, 12:42:59 PM
Thanks for sharing the virtual tour of the Orange County fest.  I enjoyed the journey.  So many photographs!

I got a backache looking at some of the boat anchors, and that is why I dispensed with some of my older treasures.  Now the heavy stuff needs to be either in a rack with wheels, or in someone else's shack!

I have never seen so many R-388 and 51J4 receivers at one fest.  Seems like lots of prices were reasonable, but some folks were very proud of their National NC-300s!

I suppose there would have been many more tailgaters on Saturday, but I had my fill with what you shared from Thu and Fri.  Very nice of you to take the time to capture and post the photos!

Title: Re: Orlando hamfest photos
Post by: KD1SH on February 12, 2023, 12:59:32 PM
That big "4KW Quad Avenger" amp caught my eye. SK-406 chimneys, so probably 3-500's or 4-400's. No band switch; almost certainly a CB amp, so the tubes were probably beat to snot, but it would be a good platform and parts to build something decent.
No metering, either - just tune for max neighbor complaints.

Title: Re: Orlando hamfest photos
Post by: K1JJ on February 12, 2023, 03:29:58 PM
Lots of great stuff for picking up and reconditioning.    Offhand, what I would call a "buyer's market."  

Notice the Heathkit color TV kit starting at $500 and later at $300. I'll bet Joe / PJP would have considered that knowing how he loves Heathkits in their original kit form...  


Title: Re: Orlando hamfest photos
Post by: AJ1G on February 12, 2023, 07:56:55 PM
Thanks Tom for bringing up bad memories I’ve been trying to suppress for a long time.  Back at URI in the early 70s two of my frat brothers at Phi Kappa Psi, both hams and also EE majors like me, and a couple
years ahead of me, convinced the rest of the brothers of the chapter that it would be a good idea to have them build one of those big Heathkit color TVs, and install it high on the wall of the Chapter Room, which was used as a TV lounge and bar.  The set was mounted on a shelf  on the opposite side of the wall in a one car garage area.  It originally worked OK, but after the builders graduated, I ended up being the guy responsible to keep it working.  It was constantly going out of convergence alignment.  To bring it back in , I would have to pull it back enough on its support shelf to be able to see a portion of the screen reflected in a mirror while
I made adjustments behind the wall in the garage.  I would need to have someone else in the room operate any controls on the front panel. A thankless and never ending task, pretty sure it was replaced shortly after I graduated.

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