The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: WBear2GCR on November 30, 2016, 09:43:14 PM

Title: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: WBear2GCR on November 30, 2016, 09:43:14 PM
Following up on the thread earlier about what you did Ham Radio wise for Turkey weekend, I now have the results of
my quest. It's actually unrelated to Turkey weekend, as I was aiming to do this regardless.

It's my effort to get the carp OFF the top of the bench and up in the air, so that I can FIND the bench's top surface!

The images show mostly before and mostly after of one "wing" of two. The second wing is to the left and forms the rear wall,
as an "L"... been using these mini flip top plastic storage "bins" as my standardized "medium" size parts/project storage "module".
You can see them double stacked on the middle shelf. (a Dollar Tree item, fyi)

So far so good.  ::)

Sorry for the hi res images, there's no photo editing software on this new-to-me laptop yet.


Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: W7TFO on November 30, 2016, 10:58:51 PM
It's my effort to get the carp OFF the top of the bench

Why mess with a carp when turkey is on the menu? ???

And why was there a fish on your bench to begin with?

Maybe you were going to fish for some wires...

 :D :D :D


Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: Opcom on November 30, 2016, 11:19:15 PM
The Great Turkey wrought here mostly the cats gaining a pound or so each..
(I will not mention the effect on the humans)

Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: RolandSWL on December 01, 2016, 08:16:13 AM
I looked at the horror that is my work bench and decided to have another glass of Reisling instead.

Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: WA2SQQ on December 01, 2016, 08:56:49 AM
You took the firs step, acknowledging "I have a real mess"
Next step is to join HA "Hoarders Anonymous"
Maybe the group can get a multi-member discount?

Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: KC4VWU on December 01, 2016, 11:07:21 AM
         I'm glad it's working out for you there, but shelves have nearly destroyed me here. Gives one a false sense of available space. Empty spaces ARE a good thing! I'm still building a few more, although they will be constructed from 2x3's and OSB. The ones that I constructed with tracks and hangars were a mix of single and double hook, I recommend just biting the bullet and pay a little extra for the double hook ones... more stable and can handle extra weight. Just be aware that shelves can be curse as can be seen in the pics below. That's about half of the hoard!   

Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: KC4VWU on December 01, 2016, 11:17:23 AM
I have to move stuff around just to operate; very aggravating ...

It's a continuous cleanup project here, but it's getting better! Trying to weed out what I don't think I'll ever get around to fixing up and concentrate on my favorites, National, Millen, WWII surplus, etc. A few obscure things that will stay.

From the mini vortex here in NC...


Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: WBear2GCR on December 01, 2016, 01:21:50 PM

Pretty certain I can help you...

... seems like more floor space would be cleared up if I drove down and took that space wasted by the TMC
rack and those old Marshall amps, and removed that clutter for your own benefit. Happy to help you in any way
I can...  ;)


PS. my disease is serious - what you need to know that 100% of everything currently at this, the /2 QTH, is roughly <10%
of EVERYTHING. Not that all of it is wonderful pristine ham gear, most is not... but it's all just about electronic or electrical,
and just what you need when you need it!!  Oh, and what's on that shelf is <10% of everything at the /2 QTH. YIKES!!!   :o    :o    :o

Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: RolandSWL on December 02, 2016, 04:40:35 AM
A horders Haiku:

      One Handed I stand

The bench beckons, menacing:

    "Come and clean my filth"


Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: KC4VWU on December 02, 2016, 12:14:07 PM
Oh! I couldn't be responsible for putting all that big, heavy stuff off on someone else! LMAO!

Yeah Bear, I know, same thing here too. There's at least twice as much if not more elsewhere around here; I've just got to get better organization. Seeing others' solutions does inspire. Toughest thing is storing all the building parts without damage, such as coils, caps, meter movements, etc.


Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: WBear2GCR on December 04, 2016, 10:37:18 AM
The BIG problem I have always had is finding a way to store two categories of "things".

Category 1 - things that just don't FIT well into anything. They're either the wrong size, not enough of them and the like.
Category 2 - things that you don't want to "hide" or that are "hot" (to be used in the not too distant future).

These things tend to be too big for the small plastic parts cabinets.
Too small or not enough of them for the larger parts bins or drawers.

They tend to propagate and spread across surfaces.

This time I put up some 6" deep shelves with not much height a little height below the next standard size shelf to hold these "gizmos".
Whatever gets put up there is more than zero, and it's not on the edge of other shelves or on the bench.

That's the other BAD THING/habit I have, is to stick "things" along the 1-2" outer edge of shelves - this makes the shelf more
or less "land bound" and cluttered looking. So, I'm trying to eliminate this.

Anyone who has solved these problems, chime in!!

Title: Re: What hath The Great Turkey wrought? Shelves mostly...
Post by: KB5MD on December 04, 2016, 02:56:51 PM
I like seeing other people's shacks and piles, it helps to know I'm not alone in my affliction.....

Title: A team of crack forensic archeologists...
Post by: WBear2GCR on December 05, 2016, 03:48:38 PM

Working for days, a team of crack forensic archeologists systematically removing layer upon layer discovered this
sign of ancient ham radio activities... down, 4 bench surfaces to go, three more than that for tools & hardware, 7 total.
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