The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: N1XBM on September 19, 2016, 10:57:09 AM

Title: AM news
Post by: N1XBM on September 19, 2016, 10:57:09 AM
I like to have a list of radio stations be able to listen to the news. Any of you guys have suggestions for radio stations that can be picked to hear the news? Up at my camp in the "county" I used to listen to WEGP which was nice, but they got bought up by a religious broadcaster. I also find in the evening that WBZ can be heard in most places.

In terms on shortwave I've struggled to find anything I can count on. A few of the domestic shortwave stations that are mostly religious I've heard will do headlines in between shows.

Would any of you be willing to share your stations? I like to have a list on hand that I keep next to my receivers.

Thank you

Title: Re: AM news
Post by: Todd, KA1KAQ on September 19, 2016, 03:53:30 PM
Guessing you're actually in 1 Land since you didn't say (I'm in 4 Land), so your mileage may vary. Been a while, but I do a little BCB listening on an old Westinghouse RC or other TRF set some evenings. In NC I received a number of good news signals including KDKA Pittsburgh, WBZ Boston, WGN Chicago, and numerous others that elude me at the moment. Should probably write them down. WSM comes in well from Nashville, but their news is a brief headline recap at the top of the hour from the network, maybe 2 minutes at best. 750 WSB out of Atlanta is a strong station, too. At times they cover up CFZM out of Toronto which is a clear channel 50KW blowtorch. No doubt a result of using a 1920s receiver on my end that lacks selectivity.

There's also a station out of Cleveland I think, can't remember the call. They broadcast the Indians games. WGY out of Schenectady of course, but they also have a talk radio format along with the news.

Steve/K4HX did a lot of BCB listening, not sure how active he's been in recent years.

Title: Re: AM news
Post by: AJ1G on September 20, 2016, 05:18:31 AM
WCBS NYC 880 kHz and WINS NYC 1010 kHz.  WCBS comes in well all up and down the East Coast. 
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