The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W1AEX on March 30, 2016, 02:30:35 PM

Title: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: W1AEX on March 30, 2016, 02:30:35 PM
Promotional photographs demonstrating technical expertise that are staged by non-technical folks are almost always humorous. So... what's wrong with this picture?


Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: KB5MD on March 30, 2016, 02:35:00 PM
Well, she's going to have some burned fingers....

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: KB2WIG on March 30, 2016, 02:53:44 PM

Well, its very, very obvious as to watt is the problem. She's using a Radio Shack soldering iron.


Solder would be nice to have, too.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: W1RKW on March 30, 2016, 04:22:34 PM
who has ever hand soldered a disposable PC mother board without solder?

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: W2PHL on March 30, 2016, 04:27:07 PM
She's not wearing her strap on. She needs a good grounding.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: Carl WA1KPD on March 30, 2016, 05:52:57 PM
Smells like burnt chicken

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: W6TOM on March 30, 2016, 07:06:23 PM
 Marketing Department Strikes again!!! Our best product is BS!!

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: K5IIA on March 30, 2016, 07:50:50 PM
She saw pencil tip and went with it

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: K2AEP on March 30, 2016, 09:07:13 PM
At least She has Her Mandatory "Protective Eye wear" in Place.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: W1AEX on March 30, 2016, 11:31:01 PM
At least She has Her Mandatory "Protective Eye wear" in Place.

Indeed she does Pete, but the major wrongness factor here is that the "Protective Eye Wear" clashes with her outfit! Outrageous!!!


Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: WZ1M on March 31, 2016, 04:00:04 AM
Promotional photographs demonstrating technical expertise that are staged by non-technical folks are almost always humorous. So... what's wrong with this picture?


She's married.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: Lou W9LRS on March 31, 2016, 05:17:28 AM
Maybe they think it's a High Voltage Probe

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: RolandSWL on March 31, 2016, 08:59:55 AM
I've done that when too tired, in a hurry, boss breathing down my neck. It's a very special kind of pain!

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: WA2SQQ on March 31, 2016, 09:18:00 AM
All I can say is OUCH!

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: K4NYW on March 31, 2016, 11:05:17 AM
Must using be the new cold solder technology...

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: KB2WIG on March 31, 2016, 12:35:47 PM

In my uteth, I picked up my Unger on the wrong end. Its amazing how much skin will stick on to the ceramic element.

One should also wear socks and long pants when soldering.


Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: WO4K on March 31, 2016, 12:57:56 PM
My first shortwave radio at age 14 was a Knight Kit Space Spanner. And, yeah, I did pick up the soldering iron like a time. To this day (52 years later) the fingerprints on my index finger and thumb are altered and way too unique, making me abandon all hope of a career in safe-cracking.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: Opcom on March 31, 2016, 06:58:06 PM
At least She has Her Mandatory "Protective Eye wear" in Place.

The protective eyewear is wrong. It's for a 532nm laser.
It's not a laser soldering pencil.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: kb3ouk on March 31, 2016, 08:16:17 PM

In my uteth, I picked up my Unger on the wrong end. Its amazing how much skin will stick on to the ceramic element.

One should also wear socks and long pants when soldering.


I learned the hard way that it isn't a bad idea to just wear shoes when soldering. Was in the shack working on a project one day and just had socks on and managed drip solder off of the end of the iron right onto my foot. It burned through the sock and if I remember right, went between my toes and burned through the bottom of the sock.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: K1JJ on March 31, 2016, 08:43:19 PM
Indeed she does Pete, but the major wrongness factor here is that the "Protective Eye Wear" clashes with her outfit! Outrageous!!!

But that's the new style now, Rob... "Trump-Orange" glasses!

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: W4EWH on March 31, 2016, 09:40:38 PM
So... what's wrong with this picture?

No décolletage. Ya gotta give 'em hope if ya wanna sell the soap!


Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: RolandSWL on April 01, 2016, 08:38:36 AM
Hope springs eternal........

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: WB2EMS on April 01, 2016, 10:20:42 AM
I picked up a soldering iron like that once when I was about 11. That was the day I learned I knew how to cuss!  ;D

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: W1AEX on April 01, 2016, 11:08:11 AM
Roland, looks like they improved the situation slightly, but the gurl ain't go no solder or solder wick wurkin'! When I was repairing Fender guitar amps I always wanted to see the production facility for the folded line reverberation devices that were "Manufactured by beautiful girls in Milton, Wisconsin under controlled atmosphere conditions"...

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: Todd, KA1KAQ on April 03, 2016, 12:23:48 PM
I've always been suspect of the 'atmosphere conditions' around anything related to guitars.  ;)

Had one of those RatShack pencils as my first iron. Also grabbed it once without looking. It left a nice dent down the side of my middle finger once it healed. Woke up before applying pressure with my index finer, thankfully.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: AJ1G on April 03, 2016, 02:27:22 PM
I once laid my wrist across the tube of a Weller soldering iron stand that for some reason was missing the protective wire coil around it.  Left a burn scar that took several years to fade out.

But nothing matched the pain of the time I had a finish nail from my nail gun run wild and come out of the piece of trim I was holding up with my right thumb and forefinger, went into the meat of my thumb, and OUT through my it hurts just thinking about it while I type this!

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
Post by: Opcom on April 03, 2016, 10:42:37 PM
Roland, looks like they improved the situation slightly, but the gurl ain't go no solder or solder wick wurkin'! When I was repairing Fender guitar amps I always wanted to see the production facility for the folded line reverberation devices that were "Manufactured by beautiful girls in Milton, Wisconsin under controlled atmosphere conditions"...

controlled atmosphere conditions just means some standard air conditioning temperature and humidity, or sometimes only a marketing thing, meaning 'air conditioned' work space.

I do like knowing that a lot of the old electronics was made by ladies. Made with love in the USA by American ladies young and old. There is nothing better.
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands