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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: N9axl on October 22, 2015, 09:55:05 PM

Title: Viking ranger LV rectifer wiring
Post by: N9axl on October 22, 2015, 09:55:05 PM
Regarding the LV rectifier wiring. I've gone over and over the schematic and I think There is a contradiction between the schematic and the assembly manual. However, before I drop this for week for other things I thought I would throw this out for consideration. Can someone confirm that the LV choke goes from the rectifier cathode to the positive of c78 or is it to terminal 2 of terminal strip x16?

In the picture the red wire comes from pin 8 of the LV rectifer v12 on the left.

The green wire is connected to the positive of the 20mfd electrolytic c78 which is connected to ground on the chassis. I'm just bolting negative to the chassis as ground. You can see the cap on the left.

These two colored wires are where the low voltage choke LP2 is connected. This is currently removed. Doing this gives me some working room and less chance of breaking the wires on LP2 on reinstall.

What concerns me is that one LP2 choke connection from c78 - the green wire - was previously connected to terminal 2 of the terminal strip X16 about where needle nose is pointing. From the schematic this seems wrong. The schematic shows it at the positive of c78. I temporarily soldered a small green wire there to mark the spot. There was a blown .005 cap there at the positive of c78. I have a small cap temporarily there to mark the spot while I order the proper voltage.

the assembly manual says terminal 2 of x16 but my schematic shows LP2 connected to the positive of c78,

Title: Re: Viking ranger LV rectifer wiring
Post by: DMOD on October 22, 2015, 11:48:07 PM
Pin 8 of the 6AX5 should go to the choke input, choke output goes to the 30 uF cap and then distributed out to the circuits.

Follow the schematics since the former owner or owners may have made some unsafe mods.

Phil - AC0OB

Title: Re: Viking ranger LV rectifer wiring
Post by: N9axl on October 23, 2015, 08:31:17 AM
I'll be sure to do that.  I've attached the schematic and instruction page just for further information for those interested. Note 2c and d in the instructions which contradict the schematic.  Thanks.
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