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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: kc1dgg on August 22, 2015, 08:47:37 PM

Title: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: kc1dgg on August 22, 2015, 08:47:37 PM
Just got my clegg 99'er but I have no tx crytal. So my options are get an 8.4 crystal because 50.4 is the only likely freq to make contacts on, try to find a decent VFO that doesn't drift or try to get a DDS to work in place of the crystal. I've also read there is a mod to slave the tx to the rx VFO but I can't find anyone who's done it to see how well it worked.

So if it was you what rout would you go?

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: Todd, KA1KAQ on August 22, 2015, 11:30:47 PM
I'd get the crystal. Wouldn't put a lot into that rig because you'll never get much out of it, monetarily or use-wise. It'll work fine when it works, but you're likely to want something more powerful and flexible if you decide to stay on 6.

Get a crystal and find someone locally to work so you can cut your teeth on it.

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: kc1dgg on August 23, 2015, 06:26:03 AM
That does seem to make the most sense. Thanks!

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: wb1ead on August 23, 2015, 12:26:47 PM
Hey John..I see ya got the rig..great!..honestly the best advice from myself and the rest of the "gang" is to look/purchase a xtal..I'm not affiliated with Brian AF4K but I have done business with him and no regrets..look him up on the web..xtals and assorted other things is his business..fairly reasonable too..I did take a minute to research just who did the mod ya talked appears to be Jerry can find the schematic/info anywhere's so maybe a direct e-mail to him might help..there used to be a 6mtr group on the web but darn if I can recall their address/link..talked to the locals this morning on our 10mtr get-together freq..they said that they are still active usually in the early evening and sometimes around 9:00 in the morning too..50.4 AM
                        Gud luk!  keep us informed of ur progress..73 de DAVE

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: KB2WIG on August 23, 2015, 07:27:16 PM

You could probably roll your own 8 Mc. fet vfo in an hour or two on a piece of perf board. Heaps of ckts online. I've used a late '70s  Handbook SS ECO ckt...... Watts a little drifting around 50.400 , 6m is a big place.


I had the ckt connected for 25 years on my little Proto Board. And then there's the Dead Bugg method.

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: kc1dgg on August 23, 2015, 08:08:54 PM
Dave thats great news that they are still on 6. I checked out AF4K on his website and I'll be placing an order tomorrow. Probably get it by the time I finish building my antenna.

Not sure about the dead bug method Kevin but once I get the rig going building a VFO sounds awesome!

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: W4EWH on August 23, 2015, 10:10:31 PM
I've also read there is a mod to slave the tx to the rx VFO but I can't find anyone who's done it to see how well it worked.

I think the 99'er has different transmit and receive plans: the receiver oscillator works at ~40MHz IIRC, and turning the receiver HFO into a VFO would be more trouble than it's worth.


Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: kc1dgg on August 24, 2015, 06:55:16 AM
I thought is sounded to simple to be true. If it worked well I would think it would be a common mod.

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: kc1dgg on August 24, 2015, 08:30:09 AM
Just for fun here is the info I did find on the mod.

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: wb1ead on August 24, 2015, 01:29:18 PM
Hey ya found further info from W9FS! looks super simple to me..and the idea of utilizing the spot switch as a BFO is kinda neat IMHO..ur gonna I guess give Brian an order for an 8mhz xtal..??..jeez I wud be curious and order the 13.5 xtal as well and scour up a 3pf or 3uuf cap to give that mod a try..if if ya decide on that PLEASE let us know how it works....
                                      GUD LUK!!       73 de DAVE

OOPS..looks like sumptin ain't right..the parts "list" calls for a 13.5 rock but the drawing says 14.3.?????..lookin' this over a little more just might not work as designed..better to order the 8mhz rock and pass this mod around for others to go hmmmn on..if somehow you got this info from Jerry direct..ya might ask for clarification on the two differing freqs...hmmmmn

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: W1ITT on August 24, 2015, 02:57:23 PM
Even when you are operating on AM, many of your contacts will be receiving you on a Rice Box, with fairly narrow selectivity.  If that Clegg 99 receiver oscillator drifts, and I recall that they did, you may find yourself sliding right out of the passband of the Rice Box, and lose the contact.  The referenced modification probably worked better when the guys on the band were mostly using Cleggs and the Lafayette HA460s, Utica 650s and some of the other rigs with barn door selectivity.  Few noticed the drift.
I'd recommend at least going with the crystal for 50.4.  Maine really isn't a hotbed of 6m AM activity.  While you are in the studying mood, I'd recommend shooting for the General ticket.  Listening to white noise on six meters, night after night, can get old and enthusiasm for amateur radio can waver.  On the HF bands, there's always something going on.  Don't stop with the Tech ticket.

Title: Re: clegg 99'er tx freq options
Post by: kc1dgg on August 24, 2015, 03:20:13 PM
I have no high hopes of very many contacts. I think you hit the nail on the head about getting the general. I've been studying but still only getting about 60% on the practice exams. I'll get there but this will give me something to tinker on while monitoring 2m and studying.

I kinda wondered about drift as well if I slaved the two. Everyone seems to think the crystal is the way to go. I think it makes the most sense too. Especially when I don't know what else may be going on with the radio. Probably makes sense to get it working before any mods anyway.
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands