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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: wa1mtz on July 19, 2015, 08:26:30 PM

Title: Station SAQ 17kc
Post by: wa1mtz on July 19, 2015, 08:26:30 PM
Does anyone know when the next time they will be on?? I'd love to hear it I have rx longwave b'casts on 150-190kc with a xtal set in November-abt 21h est I could hear several just fine. I usually use a BC-779 with a 2mh choke and 600pf var. in a L network, signals go from a s-5 with noise to +30 over! I've also qso'ed on 185 kc AM and MCW. wish there was more activity.

Title: Re: Station SAQ 17kc
Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on July 20, 2015, 01:43:38 AM
Does anyone know when the next time they will be on?? I'd love to hear it I have rx longwave b'casts on 150-190kc with a xtal set in November-abt 21h est I could hear several just fine. I usually use a BC-779 with a 2mh choke and 600pf var. in a L network, signals go from a s-5 with noise to +30 over! I've also qso'ed on 185 kc AM and MCW. wish there was more activity.

Grimeton Radio (SAQ) is activated in cw transmission by the Alexanderson Society at least two times a year, at the beginning of July around the Alexanderson Day and on christmas eve (look out for skeds).
More info:

Title: Re: Station SAQ 17kc
Post by: SM6OID on July 21, 2015, 02:57:31 PM

I have asked the question, and will soon get a reply f there is a chance of any extra transmissions.
Will be back...

Were I live, SAQ reception is a piece of cake.
Anyway, it is truly a remarkable transmitter, have seen it in action a couple of times. 

Title: Re: Station SAQ 17kc
Post by: AJ1G on July 22, 2015, 07:18:08 PM
An SAQ CW reception is on the top of my VLF bucket list.  I have had great fun receiving most all of the of the VLF MSK stations worldwide from local quiet locations in my truck using my Wandell and Goltermann AT-611 selective level meter powered from a small DC to AC inverter and using  a HF mobile whip for the antenna.  Did not copy SAQ from home last Christmas due to high local noise levels on the home station 80 meter dipole.

When conditions are quiet enough at home I can copy NPM from Oahu and at least once NWC on Northwest Cape, Australia with the AT-611 on the shack workbench using a 3 foot VOM test lead for an antenna!

Looks like we have missed the July Alexanderson day sked for SAQ for this year though.
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