The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: VE3AJM on December 21, 2014, 06:18:54 PM

Title: The KD0HG AM Heavy Metal Rally December 27 2014
Post by: VE3AJM on December 21, 2014, 06:18:54 PM
Saw this online on the ER magazine webpage. Its coming up this coming weekend!!!

2014 KDØHG Heavy Metal Rally

Don't forget the upcoming Heavy Metal Rally on December 27! It starts at 5:00PM Eastern Time, running mostly at night, and most activity is on 75 meter phone!

I've enjoyed this event for many years.


Title: Re: The KD0HG AM Heavy Metal Rally December 27 2014
Post by: Opcom on December 21, 2014, 08:54:37 PM
Is there a web site for it or is it just as this is?

Title: Re: The KD0HG AM Heavy Metal Rally December 27 2014
Post by: KL7OF on December 21, 2014, 11:00:19 PM
Thanks for the reminder!!!

Title: Re: The KD0HG AM Heavy Metal Rally December 27 2014
Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on December 22, 2014, 03:03:05 AM
Is there a web site for it or is it just as this is?

You can search on this site for past yearly discussions for the Heavy Metal Rally.

Title: Re: The KD0HG AM Heavy Metal Rally December 27 2014
Post by: KB2WIG on December 26, 2014, 11:50:39 PM
Well, fer me, another year goes by, and I still don't have the PP 813 rig on the air.... Lets see, 7 1/2 years ago I put the meter panel in the rack.

And there She sits.

Let it rain, let it rain. I need rain to disguise the tears in my eyes. Oh, let it rain.
Oh, yeah, yeah listen. I'm a man and I got my pride.
Give me rain or I'm gonna stay inside. Let it rain.
                            (Let it rain)

I'll get on the air, PW, but I'll be on the air anyway. And you? Do it. Do it 'cause its the right thing to do.


Title: Re: The KD0HG AM Heavy Metal Rally December 27 2014
Post by: W6TOM on December 28, 2014, 12:56:59 AM

  We had our West Coast Military Radio Collectors net at 7:30, band was long, I could hear the guy down in LA OK, close in stations, 100 miles or less no copy.

   Got off at 8:30 and listened around on 3885, heard two guys across the bay who are up in the hills, they we solid copy, line of sight. Then two more guys up by Seattle called in, both were very strong. Propagation to the West did not seem to good, may get up late to see what I might work.

   Running a T-368 and a Sp-600

Title: Heavy Metal Rally (12-27-2014)
Post by: W2ZZA on December 28, 2014, 02:41:37 PM
Wow, The  Heavy metal rally was a blast. the Group on 3880KHZ  was outstanding, Early on Larry NE1S took the NCS seat and was great at knowing when to jump in and when to let it ride and let the show go on uninterrupted.  Later Harry W0LS took the NCS spot and was equally on the mark.  Here is the list of Call Signs that I copies in Buffalo New York.

W1VD      JAY
KB0X      JIM
KB5IR      TOM
There where others before I signed on and after I signed clear but there is no doubt in my mind that the signals I heard where from some of the best hams on the air today. A great night for ham radio.. we should do this each month.

Title: Re: The KD0HG AM Heavy Metal Rally December 27 2014
Post by: W1RKW on December 28, 2014, 05:41:14 PM
took me 10 years to build GORT. Started the first 25% of it then put it in storage and moved. It sat for several years in the basement. kept looking at the pile of stuff.  Time was very limited and got very close to hauling it all to the dump but devoted a whole winter to it and completed it.  I know the feeling.  And I can kick myself in the head. I completely missed HMR again.

Well, fer me, another year goes by, and I still don't have the PP 813 rig on the air.... Lets see, 7 1/2 years ago I put the meter panel in the rack.

And there She sits.

Let it rain, let it rain. I need rain to disguise the tears in my eyes. Oh, let it rain.
Oh, yeah, yeah listen. I'm a man and I got my pride.
Give me rain or I'm gonna stay inside. Let it rain.
                            (Let it rain)

I'll get on the air, PW, but I'll be on the air anyway. And you? Do it. Do it 'cause its the right thing to do.


Title: Re: Heavy Metal Rally (12-27-2014)
Post by: Todd, KA1KAQ on December 28, 2014, 08:05:21 PM
Early on Larry NE1S took the NCS seat and was great at knowing when to jump in and when to let it ride and let the show go on uninterrupted.  Later Harry W0LS took the NCS spot and was equally on the mark. 

Well, the HMR isn't actually a net, so in fairness to Larry and Harry, Channel master, Master Control, Contact coordinator or any other number of descriptors would be better choices. Larry did do an excellent job. I sent him email to let him know he was 10-20 over S9 down here in NC. Definitely the channel master.

I listened in early on while working on my old Zenith Transoceanic. Had the transmitter warming up but waited until after dinner to tune up. Was greeted with a bright blue zorch from one of the PA tubes that dumped the overload reset. Tried several times to clear it thinking it was a grid short, no success. So I never got on.

Was surprised at the lack of activity overall on the band. Seems like 3.875, .880, and .885 were the only areas of activity on 75. Apparently there was some action down in the 80m portion earlier on but it was long gone before I listened around at 7 or so. I guess if some of the usual suspects don't show up and activate a different frequency, the cluster fly effect takes over. Was a time a few years ago there would be 6, 7, 8 or more frequencies loaded and folks would travel from one group to another making new contacts. 40 and 160, too.

Did hear Buddly at one point around 3.870 trying to draw some folks to another frequency to spread things out. No idea if he succeeded.

A great night for ham radio.. we should do this each month.

Go for it. Do it every weekend. Find a clear frequency, call CQ. No need to wait for someone else to start the action, schedule an event, or say it's okay. Cover the bands with AM. What could be better? :D
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands