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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: K6JEK on November 18, 2013, 11:49:02 PM

Title: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: K6JEK on November 18, 2013, 11:49:02 PM
Out here code requires any Edison-base light fixtures to be on a dimmer. Does anyone have any that don't produce nasty RFI?

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: wd8das on November 19, 2013, 01:13:59 AM

I improved a few dimmers with line-rated 0.01 uF bypass caps, but the only absolutely noise-free way is a variac.

Steve WD8DAS

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: Steve - K4HX on November 19, 2013, 08:47:59 AM
They are usually quiet in the off position.

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: W3RSW on November 19, 2013, 10:49:31 AM
Or full on in some models.

Myheating/cooling thermostat is far noisier.
-Older modulating early heat cycle model or I would have replaced it long ago.

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: W3GMS on November 19, 2013, 03:46:44 PM
A bunch of years ago I looked at many dimmers and found the ones from Service Star the best of all.  I don't think Service Star is still around but they may be or possible merged with Ace Hardware.  Those were very quiet even at low settings which is the worse case for triac based controllers.
Joe, GMS 

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: W1RKW on November 19, 2013, 05:12:38 PM
Out here code requires any Edison-base light fixtures to be on a dimmer. Does anyone have any that don't produce nasty RFI?

What is an Edison-base light fixture and why would it have to be on a dimmer? 

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: K6JEK on November 19, 2013, 05:55:51 PM
Out here code requires any Edison-base light fixtures to be on a dimmer. Does anyone have any that don't produce nasty RFI?

What is an Edison-base light fixture and why would it have to be on a dimmer?  
An Edison base is a normal light bulb base. The fixtures are on a dimmer so that I'll use less power. At least I assume that's why the building code insists on them, dimmers or fixtures that can't take an incandescent bulb. These are ceiling can fixtures.

Thanks for the tips, everyone.

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: W7TFO on November 20, 2013, 12:28:37 AM
Are you talking new construction or existing?

Are there light-bulb nazis going house to house? :P

Keep 'em away from your tube gear, they'll make you put in solid-state!


Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: Opcom on November 20, 2013, 06:50:08 PM
That's the stupidest thing I ever heard of. Staco and Superior make or used to make in-wall light dimmers.

A smallish variable autotransformer in a box. Or make up your own with a 1-3A unit. 'variacs' dim lights and do not make noise doing it.
Or, a rheostat (potentiometer), but it makes heat and so is used only for a few watts outside of stage work. When they get big they have Ampere ratings.

I helped a friend with a recording studio and we used three 5A 'variacs' in the wall.
They were completely enclosed in a single large metal UL listed electrical box which was mounted between two studs.
He had some artsy guy make an escutcheon.
This said, you can trick the power consumption nazis and put a small white knob on it.. till they leave, and you bring out the large white knob.

I'm still aghast from the very idea of being told what to do in one's own home. It's not like you want to goth up your porch or anything.

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: w1vtp on November 20, 2013, 09:20:56 PM
I guess low wattage Variacs are out of the question (SIGH). Maybe a conspiracy to market dimmers  ???

PS:  Sorry Patrick - didn't mean to ride on your coattails - Variacs would make ultimate noise free sense

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: KD3CN on November 22, 2013, 07:20:13 PM


I've had a Lutron dimmer that I bought from Home Depot in the master bedroom for at least 8 years with no RFI issues.  The bedroom is 2 stories above the basement shack.  I think it is model  DVWCL-153PH-WH, or at least it looks like it.  The rocker switch is back-lit.  I would buy another without hesitation.

73, Karl KD3CN

Title: Re: RFI quiet light dimmer, any?
Post by: KD3CN on November 29, 2013, 07:38:42 PM

Any feedback Jon?

Did you have success or not?  What did you buy?
If others in CA can benefit it would be good to post results...

73, Karl

AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands