The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: KB3DKS on October 28, 2013, 10:26:23 AM

Title: Will be off the air for awhile.
Post by: KB3DKS on October 28, 2013, 10:26:23 AM
Well, just when I was finally starting to get over my personal and financial issues a bit, some group of idiots decided to have a private party with a couple hundred people attending up on the fourth floor of the mill building where my indoor antennas were strung up. They didn't have permission for that and the police were called in but not before someone tore down most of my wire and coupling unit. Now I also find out that the building is up for sale. So no antenna, no shack and couldn't afford the rent there anyway. Will try to string up some wire at home but won't have any highth or a proper dipole. Of course winter is coming on fast and it will soon be too cold for me to work outside. Still have a receiving wire up here but lots of local noise and not much fun to listen any more.
 Still hope to get something up that is loadable regardless. Just won't be heard as well.

Title: Re: Will be off the air for awhile.
Post by: WA2OLZ on October 28, 2013, 06:49:31 PM
Sorry to hear that, Bill.
Hang in there and stay Boston Tough!

Title: Re: Will be off the air for awhile.
Post by: n3lrx on October 30, 2013, 02:37:43 AM
It really blows being off the air. I know because I've been off the air for years. I truly miss real radio. AM in particular. I've got my 2m/440 radio but it's just not the same. :'(

Title: Re: Will be off the air for awhile.
Post by: Tim WA1HnyLR on November 12, 2013, 10:31:35 AM
Hi Bill, Man what a drag. There are a number of different means of getting up a suitable ANT. I am curious as to how much space you have where you live. If you need any help or ideas let me know-Tim WA1HnyLR

Title: Re: Will be off the air for awhile.
Post by: W1RKW on November 12, 2013, 06:28:46 PM
Can you restore your damaged setup?

Title: Re: Will be off the air for awhile.
Post by: KB3DKS on November 16, 2013, 10:40:57 PM
Can you restore your damaged setup?
I could and would restore the antenna if it was summertime. There is no heat in the building. The approx 1200 sq ft "junk box" area is unheatable and the small former office room shack can be heated but the thermal mass of all the metal takes almost a full grill tank of propane to get comfortable in a couple hours. Just not worth it. Besides I can no longer afford the rent there but by selling off what can be sold will be able to at least cover the rent for now until it is cleared out and what is important moved home to the basement for now. At home I could most easily do a horizontal L with a folded dipole but the N/S leg would closely parallel the phone and power lines with the E/W leg lacking a place to tie the end up.  I am considering the possibility of a vertical loop but have to be somwhat on the stealthy side as the Landlady would object to anything really visable. Heck, she won't even allow clothslines. Hope to come up with something.
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands