The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: K1NSS on August 22, 2013, 02:27:22 PM

Title: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: K1NSS on August 22, 2013, 02:27:22 PM
Find yourself embracing the role of a Die-Hard Dinosaur?  Read what happened to one OM before it's too late, where else but (

Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: WBear2GCR on August 25, 2013, 09:45:36 PM

Teeth? Where are the teeth?

Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: W3RSW on August 26, 2013, 03:54:18 PM
Very Reminiscent of "The Beagle Bros."  illustrations for Apple iI software.
Great art Brought into the 21st century with working links.

Every cliche known to man coupled with, well, "couplets," both ceramic and alliterative.
Loved those capacitors.

Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: Opcom on August 26, 2013, 09:27:48 PM
The teeth are there.. but maybe the bitter old reptile's have mostly fallen out or been worn down to nubs from the 'gnashing of teeth'?

Electronics, radio, science are the red meat, a feast made endless by learning, doing, teaching, mentoring, and by patiently answering lots of questions for newcomers.

In any case, the inscrutable reason behind the bizarre combinations of certain individuals' attire seen at hamfests is now exposed.

Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: K1NSS on August 26, 2013, 09:30:00 PM

Teeth? Where are the teeth?

He turned into a toothless Plant-Eater!  All right, all right – I know Plant Eaters really had teeth, but for the sake of the joke, they shouldn't have.  TNX, at least somebody's paying attention!

Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: K1NSS on August 26, 2013, 09:39:57 PM

Loved those capacitors.

Tnx for kind words, glad you like our Eulenspiegels! Stay tuned for artisinal valve receivers, handmade in small batches by traditional serfs on the estate of Viscount Airedale in the heart of the Cotswolds.

Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: K1NSS on August 26, 2013, 09:55:36 PM
The teeth are there.. but maybe the bitter old reptile's have mostly fallen out or been worn down to nubs from the 'gnashing of teeth'?

Electronics, radio, science are the red meat, a feast made endless by learning, doing, teaching, mentoring, and by patiently answering lots of questions for newcomers.

In any case, the inscrutable reason behind the bizarre combinations of certain individuals' attire seen at hamfests is now exposed.

Well, I was thinking how not a few us kind of relish the dinosaur persona, but nobody wants to be an uncool, a.k.a Plant Eater dino. But nothing is as cool as that cat biting the arm.  I know that loony look that comes over cats. Had one once that looked just that way if you got down on your hands and knees and looked at it around a corner.  It would run right at you and last minute leap up the edge of the wall like it just took an anti-gravity pill. Your picture is the best cat picture on the net, trumps the Grumpy cat  hands down.

Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: Opcom on August 28, 2013, 02:36:27 AM
The teeth are there.. but maybe the bitter old reptile's have mostly fallen out or been worn down to nubs from the 'gnashing of teeth'?

Electronics, radio, science are the red meat, a feast made endless by learning, doing, teaching, mentoring, and by patiently answering lots of questions for newcomers.

In any case, the inscrutable reason behind the bizarre combinations of certain individuals' attire seen at hamfests is now exposed.

Well, I was thinking how not a few us kind of relish the dinosaur persona, but nobody wants to be an uncool, a.k.a Plant Eater dino. But nothing is as cool as that cat biting the arm.  I know that loony look that comes over cats. Had one once that looked just that way if you got down on your hands and knees and looked at it around a corner.  It would run right at you and last minute leap up the edge of the wall like it just took an anti-gravity pill. Your picture is the best cat picture on the net, trumps the Grumpy cat  hands down.

I know what my deficiency must be, I am not hanging around on the right frequencies. Not getting indoctrinated by the prehistoric jungles in the larger AM world, where the great beasts swagger up and down the band seeking whom they may devour. Are those really the right frequencies to be on? that is the question.

Honestly compels me to confess about the avatar, it is a swiped image on my part.

It's attractive because the intent on that cute little face seems almost comical but I bet in two days the obviously offensive arm was swollen as big as a melon.

pic is my own angry biter Abby, passed away from old age years ago, a good affectionate indoor pet and an accomplished biter, innocence and meanness balanced like a mercury thermostat in an earthquake. No bite that time just a warning when I was trying to pet her and the shot is while I was moving my hand away. Abby taught me to be observant and quick. You are right, there is always a warning before the attack, but I dunno, a real attack and intentional bite doesn't come with a goofy look, there's more to it in my opinion -evidence by the picture.

I noticed a couple of cats in your work, the one selling "ON AIR" signs at Dayton and the FONE CAT, which is my favorite. What cat is the grumpy cat, I might not have seen it. I like animals in comics.

Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: K7NCR on August 28, 2013, 06:55:03 PM
Courtesy the web.  ;D

Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: WD5JKO on August 28, 2013, 09:33:39 PM

My cat "Monet Topper" lasted past 19 years, and then got crunched by an automobile. She was always ornery such that two to three strokes of affection were followed by a loud warning, a hiss, and then whomever was within reach quickly got a bloody stump.

Here is a video of the XYL and Monet when Monet started her protest. The video ended just before the "hiss".

Monet liked to come by and snuggle next to me when I was in the ham shack listening to AM radio. Quite affectionate really, but only when it was on her terms.. petting here meant looking for the iodine bottle... >:(


Title: Re: AM Fossil Fool
Post by: Opcom on August 29, 2013, 11:41:04 PM
wow what a beast! XYL's braver than me. When I hear that kind of foul language from a cat, I take it seriously. Animals can't be blamed, they don't know right from wrong. And they have certain people they will not bite, and certain people they will try hard to bite every time.

Now see we are all very lucky that the "vegetarian dinosaurs of ham land" don't have much of a bite like a real animal. Lots of growling and mean talk only. Are these people always old?

The comic hits close to my experience at hamfests, I think, but not sure I could really explain it. What's the difference between the meat eater and the plant eater at fests? I'd rather hear opinions from others on that.

K1NSS - you pointed out a problem.. is it unfair to ask for a solution? How can the plant eater be redeemed? Can he go to the dentist with a picture of a barracuda and say "that's what I want!"? There's more to it though, it's what's going on inside. Now I feel sorry for the poor reptile, but a life changing experience could be the answer.

AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands