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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: w9bea on January 28, 2012, 04:43:08 PM

Title: T368F T/R Relay Question
Post by: w9bea on January 28, 2012, 04:43:08 PM
Hi All:

I am working on getting my T368F on the air.  Long story short, I had no receive sensitivity when I hooked up my 390A to the RX antenna port on the transmitter.  The receiver works fine when connected to the antenna directly.  So I have to conclude the TR relay is suspect.

I think that when I transported the radio up from Kentucky, the coax that attaches to the vacuum TR relay for the RX came off the pin.  I dont know if this happened in transit, or if it got snagged when took the RF drawer out, etc.

It is odd in that there is a piece of RG58 hanging rom the cable loom under the top lid of the transmitter.  It is stripped of braid about 2 inches back, and the center conductor was cut almost flush.

I took a cliplead and hooked the cable center conductor to what I think is the correct connection point on the TR relay and the radio came to life.

MY QUESTION IS THIS: Can I solder directly to the relay or is the little sleeve that appears to be on the relay pin actually a plug of some sort?  Does this plug come off?  I attached a picture of what I am seeing.  Does this connection look right?

I just cant tell from my view from the rear of the transmitter if there is a bristol or hex head of some sort.....  Cant do a lot of bending and stoping to get into it as I hurt my back putting the transmitter together (go figure).

73--Wally W9BEA

Title: Re: T368F T/R Relay Question
Post by: Mike/W8BAC on January 28, 2012, 04:58:47 PM
That is a removable connector on the vacuum relay. I can't be sure what kind of fastener holds that connector on the relay but find a way to remove the connector and reconnect your coax center conductor to it and replace the connector on the relay. The shield floats at the relay.

Your probably right that removing the RF deck was the reason the coax was pulled off. Take care to tie the coax up out of the way so it doesn't happen again. Good catch!


Title: Re: T368F T/R Relay Question
Post by: w9bea on January 28, 2012, 05:35:22 PM

You are correct.  I couldn't see the hex screws from my vantage point.  The plug came off, threw some fresh lead into it and it lives!

I will try to be on 3.885 in a minute.  Listening to WB9GKZ, N9WQ, etc. and a few other fellows as I work on bolting the radio together.

FB OM thanks for the help!73--Wally

Title: Re: T368F T/R Relay Question
Post by: ke7trp on January 29, 2012, 08:45:43 PM
Wally. Post some pics of your T368.  I would like to see it.  What mic are you using?  Here is mine:

Title: Re: T368F T/R Relay Question
Post by: w9bea on January 29, 2012, 10:29:57 PM
Now that my back is a little better after the move (HA!):  Here she is, lit up and standing by while some guys are on 3.880

The mike is a MXL 900.  Not familiar with this mic, but I am told it sounds FB.  Good enuff!

73--Wally W9BEA

Title: Re: T368F T/R Relay Question
Post by: ke7trp on January 30, 2012, 03:59:19 PM
Good looking rig Wally.  When you get yours up and running.  Let me know what the Modulator peak current is at 100% mod.   I think its time to go into mine for some tube checking. I was on it the other night and it was only hitting the 10 mark (top scale) under full mod.  I seemed to remember the mod current shooting to nearly the full scale.

AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands