The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: Opcom on January 08, 2012, 12:53:39 AM

Title: Are there ham radio programs for ubuntu?
Post by: Opcom on January 08, 2012, 12:53:39 AM
I am temporarily trying ubuntu Linux 11.10 "ocelot". It can be run from CDROM without installing it (installing would probably over-write the existing disk).

I am looking for ham radio programs (log software, rig control, and other programs for SSTV and digital that would be used with a rigblaster and have waterfall displays etc) for this O/S. If there are not any, then I don't want to install it and will keep a M$ o/s on that computer.

Normally I try not to ask data computing questions here but I think it is a valid question to allow here seeing the same amplifiers are used for one or another. Besides, there are a few experts on modern computers here.

Also, the GUI on this is version is odd with the 'icons' along the side and the on/off stuff at the top. Has anyone used it and discovered how to get back the Gnome-like UI? Its rumored it is an option but I can't find it.

Thanks for tolerance

Title: Re: Are there ham radio programs for ubuntu?
Post by: KX5JT on January 08, 2012, 03:54:05 AM
I know there are a lot of ham radio apps for linux.  I even recall there was a "distribution" of ubuntu geared to the ham operator.

Here is a start ( forums has a "digital" section and a "computers and software" section that you might peruse and ask questions there. (

FLDIGI seems to be the big winner among linux users for digital modes.

I don't run linux anymore but I thought I'd throw you some links Pat.  I do love to operate some digital modes (ones where ragchews are more the norm, not the exception)  If you ever want to try some stuff, I would be willing to play.

Title: Re: Are there ham radio programs for ubuntu?
Post by: kb3ouk on January 08, 2012, 08:24:22 AM
here's what i think John is talking about, the ham radio distro: (
if you look under current version, it gives a list of all the programs that shackbox contains. it is unbuntu based so any of those programs, if you can find them, should work. here's a list of more programs that are linux. (

Title: Re: Are there ham radio programs for ubuntu?
Post by: KE6DF on January 08, 2012, 04:46:27 PM
I run Ubuntu also.

Just go to the "Ubuntu Software Center" (a program installed with your release) and type Ham as the search term. You will get a couple screen full of Ham radio software you can download.

Also the Software Center has available tons of EE software not specifically related to Hams like scematic editors and simlators and board layout.

Title: Re: Are there ham radio programs for ubuntu?
Post by: Opcom on January 08, 2012, 07:44:45 PM
Thank you!

Title: Re: Are there ham radio programs for ubuntu?
Post by: N4DKD on January 09, 2012, 04:28:09 PM
CQRLOG  is a good log program, even uploads to LOTW.

Here is a list for SDR linux software.


Title: Re: Are there ham radio programs for ubuntu?
Post by: W0BTU on January 09, 2012, 05:03:48 PM

CQRLOG  is a good log program ...

I was just going to say the same thing! That's what I use on my shack's PC, which runs the last long term support version of Ubuntu (10.04 LTS).

There are a few ham radio Windows programs I have that wouldn't run (or run right) under WINE, so I installed Virtualbox. It runs XP Pro right inside Linux. You'll need a minimum of 1 GB to use Virtualbox.
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands