The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: flintstone mop on November 26, 2011, 07:37:44 AM

Title: The VORTEX Joe?
Post by: flintstone mop on November 26, 2011, 07:37:44 AM
There used to be many postings from Joe, N3IBX and I have not seen any for a while.
When I'm prowling around on 160M I do not hear Joe, THE Vortex.

Is doing ok?

Title: Re: The VORTEX Joe?
Post by: W3GMS on November 26, 2011, 11:26:13 AM
Hi Fred,

Joe is a busy camper these days.   His wife is having continued health issues and on top of that his mother started to have some problems as well.  In order to take care of his mother she moved in with he and Jocelyn. 

You can find Joe on most Monday nights hosting the Top Band 160M AWA net.  It meets on 1.945 at 8PM.  Most stations check in on SSB but any mode is welcome. 

Hope all is well....

Joe, W3GMS

Title: Re: The VORTEX Joe?
Post by: K5UJ on November 26, 2011, 03:08:23 PM
Having taken care of my mom the last 8 months of her life I know what that is like.   I am surprised he gets on the air at all.  I don't think I did anything with ham radio in 2008.  (I'm making up for it though.)

Fred, I fixed up a temporary support for my inverted L so I'm back in business on 160, hoping it makes it through the winter.  Maybe I'll catch you on there some night.  I'm usually around 1880.

Title: Re: The VORTEX Joe?
Post by: The Slab Bacon on November 27, 2011, 08:22:42 PM
I talked to him a couple days back on the telefonium. Like Joe (GMS) said, he has his hands full taking care of his wife and his mother. He seems to be in good spirits, but run a little ragged.
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