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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: k4kyv on March 07, 2011, 06:26:51 PM

Title: Radio Canada back on short wave
Post by: k4kyv on March 07, 2011, 06:26:51 PM
I was tuning through the short wave bands the other day with one of my general coverage receivers, and was very surprised to hear Radio Canada International with a strapping signal in the 31m band.  I hadn't heard them for years.  I remember years ago they discontinued short wave service for budget reasons, but apparently they are back again. No idea how long it's been since they resumed SW broadcasting.

I checked out their web  site and here is their current schedule.

Note: if you click on the link using Firefox and nothing happens, try copying and pasting the URL in IE.  It may just be my computer, something to do with the same problem I'm having viewing YouTube.

Title: Re: Radio Canada back on short wave
Post by: WQ9E on March 07, 2011, 06:45:04 PM

Thanks for posting this.  I used to listen to them often years ago.

The link worked fine with FF here so it is another symptom of the problem with your settings.

Title: Re: Radio Canada back on short wave
Post by: W1DAN on March 07, 2011, 07:01:10 PM

They never left.

RCI now programs to Canadians living abroad, rather than to foriegners. Much CBC network.


Title: Re: Radio Canada back on short wave
Post by: KL7OF on March 07, 2011, 08:10:46 PM
I have been listening to the various programming for many years...Some of their programming is a simulcast of Canadian AM and FM stations (Like CKWX)  interesting stuff

Title: Re: Radio Canada back on short wave
Post by: k4kyv on March 07, 2011, 08:32:50 PM

They never left.

RCI now programs to Canadians living abroad, rather than to foriegners. Much CBC network.

But according to the schedule, a lot of their programming is in Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish and Portuguese.

I used to listen to "As It Happens" (kind of a Canadian version of All Things Considered) every evening in the 49m band at dinner time on the portable radio.  When they made the budget  cuts I didn't hear them any more, so I assumed they did like BBC and some other major broadcasters and discontinued the service.

I have always enjoyed Canadian radio, but Canadian TV sucks.

Title: Re: Radio Canada back on short wave
Post by: WA3VJB on March 07, 2011, 09:35:51 PM
Found my official membership certificate this weekend.

Wow.  When I got this, it had only been six years since the JFK assassination.  
Amazing amount of time has gone by.

The date and other information was written by typewriter.

Thanks for posting this, Don.

In addition to "As it Happens," I also used to really enjoy "The World at Six," on the CBC Northern Service, 9.625MHz.  The news magazine was the first I ever heard to use a simple introduction to a recorded actuality of given newsmaker, instead of a set-up sentence. The style was later adopted by NPR and the McNeill-Lehrer Report, which continue to this day.

For example:  The American government apologized for a misguided rocket attack in Afghanistan today. Robert Gates is the U.S. Defense Secretary (sound bite here)...

More commonly it was: U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates twice apologized to the Afghan president today ... (sound bite here) ...

Later I had the great pleasure of being the subject of a sit-down interview in Montreal with Ian McFarlane, the host who recorded me for a chapter of Radio Canada Shortwave Club (I am member No. 8789).  The topic was how shortwave listening helped open the way for people who pursued careers in news, engineering, radio and television.
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