The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: KB2WIG on June 04, 2010, 11:55:08 AM

Title: Rockchester Fest
Post by: KB2WIG on June 04, 2010, 11:55:08 AM

Anyone going to the Rochester Hamfest?


Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: WBear2GCR on June 04, 2010, 05:35:51 PM

Would be nice to have some pix of last years posted... maybe there are some here somewhere?

I dunno...

They kinda kilt it when the folks who were running it for so long got fossilized into inaction...
No idea how the current group that has assumed the "mantle" is doing the job.


used to be great hamfest, second to Dayton in many ways...

Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: Ken - K2UPI on June 04, 2010, 07:33:17 PM
Had a wonderful time last year at the Rochester-fester.  A one day event at a new location.  Couldn't take two steps without meeting a new AM'er or visiting with long time AM friends.  Looking forward to being there.  Hope the wx cooperates :D

Ken / K2UPI

Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: K1JJ on June 04, 2010, 08:00:35 PM
There was a time throughout the 70's and 80's a few if us made it a yearly pilgrimage  from CT. What a fester it was!  It was far larger than Hosstraders at the time.  I think only Dayton was larger on the whole east coast. The deals there were really something.

I've attended a few times in the 90's and early 00's. The stays at the Tron PissWeak Hotel and parties at Gary's place were something else. Rochester was still worth attending then.  

I will not be there this year but hope you guys have a great time!


Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: KB2WIG on June 04, 2010, 11:25:21 PM
The wife's out of town, and naturally, she took my camera.....


Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: W3GMS on June 05, 2010, 10:27:07 AM
Martha and I attended last year and had a great time.  Unfortunately, we won't be making it this year. 
Joe, W3GMS

Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: KB2WIG on June 05, 2010, 03:26:53 PM
A report

A lot better than the 2007; the last one I attended and that one was held at  'the dome'.

The new site is OK. Parking is a lot closer and the grass is much shorter. $5 gets u in, jn's with a paying adult gets in for free. My ticket number was 1500, the event was well attended. Not the crouds like in the 80's and 90's at the dome. I actually saw some chiliins.

Food was 'cheep'  - I ate a snausge with peppers and onions and the cost was $3. No beer was available. There is a restaurant outside the fenced in area; probably you can drink yer fill there. Some of the venders were quenching their thirst - however, my charm was not up to the task and therefore I went dry.

A few prices...

R390 with original meters $650
SP200 with power supply $150  < seller said there probably was a few issuse - selling it for a friend > [I will be kicking myself, but money is tight right now]
SP600 a ratty looking one  for $150.  Several others were available; one fer 400.
Hallicrafters S40 $80
Ranger 2 $450
75A4  ??$$

I'll be going next year with a few more $$. It looks like the current  groope running things may have rescued this fest.


Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: Dave KA2J on June 05, 2010, 05:41:22 PM
Excellent hamfest!  Huge flea market, excellent food, great eyeball QSO's.  A good old fashion hamfest.  Pictures were taken at noon of the AMers, but nobody sent me one yet.  If they do, I'll post it.  Some of the AMers, Bill K2LNU, Bob W2ICQ, Pete N2QEI, John KC2NWA, Jerry W1ZB, Norm WB2SYQ, Joe WA2EJT, Bill K1KV, Dave N2CZU, Craig VE3CL, Howie W1CL, Lynn W2BSN, and more I'm sure.
Dave, KA2J

Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: steve_qix on June 06, 2010, 08:45:39 AM
Was definitely thinking of going, but my younger child graduated from high school this weekend.... obviously couldn't miss that !  Maybe next year - we'll see!

Glad it was a reasonable 'fest.

Always looking for collections of big heat sinks, power transformers with a 104/110 volt secondaries (at lots of amps) and of course parts parts parts  8)



Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: W1UJR on June 06, 2010, 11:32:56 AM
Just couldn't convince Nancy it was worth the 1o hour overnight drive for a radio meet.  ;)

So I look forward to seeing you fellows there next year!
Would be nice to return to my old stomping grounds.

Maine suffers from a real lack of festers, so really happy to hear the event is on the upswing, have many good memories of Rochester...including when Timmy, I and other folks had the Collins KW-1 special event station in operation!

Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: WA3VJB on June 06, 2010, 12:48:51 PM
There was a time throughout the 70's and 80's a few if us made it a yearly pilgrimage

Yeah, I was part of that, motivated by the demise of the Gaithersburg (Md) Hamfest that was one of the biggest in this area.

Rochester 2002

Always a lot to see.

Title: Re: Rockchester Fest
Post by: KB2WIG on June 06, 2010, 05:59:06 PM
Just couldn't convince Nancy it was worth the 1o hour overnight drive for a radio meet.  ;)

 Bribe the wife and throw in a Friday at the  Mirabeau.

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