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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: WD5JKO on May 25, 2010, 07:13:02 PM

Title: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: WD5JKO on May 25, 2010, 07:13:02 PM
While searching various websites concerning alternative medical treatments, I ran upon the technique called "Rife Machines". It seems that we don't want to talk medical here in the QSO section, but I bring it back where HF AM is used to treat cancer.

Pretty interesting stuff. See the attached file, and link:

This link shows many vintage transmitters, and other RF equipment from the 1920's to present day:


Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: WBear2GCR on May 25, 2010, 11:02:05 PM

Yes, we have discussed this before on here...

Rife was an interesting character - his microscope was especially interesting, although I doubt that it worked as advertised. I found a picture of a complete unit at some point on the web, and a copy of his patent on it.

The idea that one could resonate "bad" cells or structures is tempting. The problem lies in the idea that they probably do not have a resonance at all. Perhaps some micro structures within the cell could, but the frequency would likely be very very high, maybe up in the ultra high GHz or ummm, x-ray? Afaik no one has managed to find these resonances in living tissues.

Microwave ovens work on the resonance of the bipolar water molecule - handy, eh?


Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: WD5JKO on May 26, 2010, 08:29:50 AM


  After reading some of this stuff, it makes me wonder about the times I've run high power RF getting RF burns on my ears (from the headphone metal screens), or from hand to lips (from a 'hot' mic) while running 80m AM...These were at times when my station ground was RF Hot. RIFE keeps saying that normal health tissue is unaffected by this process.

Here is a short video about RIFE:

BTW, the second PDF I linked to had some very neat looking transmitters using 809's, or 812's as self excited Hartley oscillators, as well as using an Icom718 as an RF source.


Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: Ed/KB1HYS on May 26, 2010, 10:07:04 AM
I think Mr Rife is a little off in his theories. The cellular structure between healthy cells and diseased cells is actually fairly close, from a physics standpoint anyway.  It would take some serious analysis to find the resonance of one and then I bet it would be close enough to healthy stuff that a source to kill one would kill the other.

IIRC - The only part of a "bad cell" that you could selectively target with resonant energy (RF) would be the DNA strand itself or maybe part there of, but anything else in the cellular structure is common enough that you would kill good cells as well. 
I think Bear is correct though that it would have to be fairly high in frequency to hit a molecular resonance for DNA and tricky as hell to find the correct frequency (kill cancer not patient).

Radiation (the ionizing type) is a tricky balance to kill all of the tumor and not too much of the healthy tissue around it.  They do try to optimize and vary the path through the body for that as well, so that the one common point is the tumor. 

Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: k4kyv on May 26, 2010, 02:50:37 PM
I wonder if Drs. Rife and Brinkley ever crossed paths during the mid 30's.

Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: KB5MD on May 26, 2010, 04:36:32 PM
 ::)Going to hang out my shingle next week and start using the RCA BTA 1R1 for something
besides talking on.  I'll be a gazillionare in no time at all! 8)

Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: Ed/KB1HYS on May 26, 2010, 06:29:17 PM
Sell Goat Glands too...

Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: k4kyv on May 26, 2010, 07:40:58 PM
It might be dangerous these days to set up a transmitter just across the border. You could get caught in the crossfire of a battle between the drug gangs.

Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: Ed/KB1HYS on May 26, 2010, 08:05:51 PM
I think in the old days, that was taken care of by something called, Payola.  You payola for de protectiona...

Would probably still work today, just more expensive...

Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: W2DU on May 30, 2010, 05:41:23 PM
Sometime during the 1950s I developed a long-term muscular pain in my right wrist. I knew of diathermy treatments using RF of around 13 MHz. So I decided to try that treatment using my 20m rig having a 250TH in the final. Using link coupling into a zip cord connected to two electrodes inserted into rubber knee pads, I placed the electrodes around my wrist and adjusted the link coupling to the tank inductance to the degree where I felt a comfortable warmth in my wrist.

I continued the treatment for about ten minutes, and the following day my muscular pain disappeared.

I was then unaware that I could have damaged the bone structure, but at least I kept the RF level down to the point that the heating was comfortable and far below the burning point.

I have not done anything that radical with RF energy since that one time. But I do know that RF energy in the form of internal heating can reduce the cause of muscular pain.


Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: WD5JKO on May 30, 2010, 10:04:41 PM


   Your story about RF heating to lessen your pain is most interesting. The following link describes the diathermy process.

At the last image, it states that about 400 watts is just about right for heating human tissue..

  It seems that the FCC regulated these machines by requiring them to be crystal controlled on either 13.56 Mhz, or 27.12 Mhz. Despite this the self excited oscillators continued to be used, and interference upon other RF services caused all sorts of issues.

  In the semiconductor industry we use 13.56 Mhz today for Plasma Etch, and also the company I work for uses this frequency for ion inplantation with linear accelerators:

  Anyway, I recall that 27.120Mhz is between CB channels 22, and 23. Way back in the day, we used to modify the old 23 channel sets to use this frequency, and call this channel 22a.


Title: Re: RF and Amplitude Modulation techniques to treat Cancer and other ailments
Post by: W2DU on May 31, 2010, 01:48:56 PM
Hello Jim,

Thank you for the additional information concerning diathermy. Much appreciated.

AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands