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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: steve_qix on April 28, 2010, 06:53:20 AM

Title: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: steve_qix on April 28, 2010, 06:53:20 AM
Well, this may be the best forecast I've ever seen for NearFest (and prior to that, Hosstraders was around the same weekend).

See you there !!!!!!  And, don't forget Mark KA2QFX's party on Thursday - did you RSVP yet??  ? ? ? ?  8)


Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: KF1Z on April 28, 2010, 07:38:55 AM
Don't-cha just love April in the NorthEast?

Seeing that forecast, and we are having heavy snowfall here right now in central Verminmont.
(Only a few inches on the ground.)

Looks like you all will have nice, NICE weather for the fester.

Enjoy it!

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: KM1H on April 28, 2010, 07:58:35 AM
Its 28* and cloudy this AM in Southern NH with lots of snow starting North of Manchester.

I hope its nice on Friday, Im getting tired of Friday Rainfests!


Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: W3GMS on April 28, 2010, 08:09:50 AM
Well Martha and I are certainly looking forward to the event.  Its been a long time since I was at a "Deerfield Fester".  It was in the early days of the Hoss Traders fest.  It will be nice to meet a lot of the folks I have talked with over the years and never have met.  We saw earlier in the week what the forcast looked like and you certainly can't have nicer weather than that! 
We will be leaving PA very early on Thursday morning.  With stops it will be about a 10 hour trip. 
Joe, W3GMS   

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: WA1GFZ on April 28, 2010, 09:33:51 AM
Maybe you are our good luck charm?

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: W3GMS on April 28, 2010, 10:01:43 AM
Hi Frank,
Well if I am, I am glad for it! 
It will be great to meet you after talking to you for a zillion years! 

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: W1UJR on April 28, 2010, 10:35:12 AM
I've been hearing and dreeding the SNOW, what's up with that?
Rain BEFORE and AFTER, so a nice, narrow window appears to be open.
The temps look good, which is a welcome relief from past events.

Steve QIX - are you doing a special event station again this year as in days past?

Joe GMS - very pleased to see that you are going, look forward to seeing you and Martha again, and introducing you to Nancy. We plan to be there on Saturday only, as long as the temps are reasonable and no rain/snow is in the forecast.
If not, do you ever attend Rochester Hamfest? I hear that it was excellent last year, and the wx forecast is always warmer.


Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: W2INR on April 28, 2010, 11:16:23 AM

Buzz Kill Bruce.  

Link below is the NEAR-fest site and in the right column is the local weather and forecast. No snow for the four or five days listed. (

Joe looking forward to seeing you and Martha along with many others - - - - even you BK !!!



Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: steve_qix on April 28, 2010, 11:17:39 AM
Steve QIX - are you doing a special event station again this year as in days past?

Not this year.... The station equipment is on the Island, and it really wasn't worth all the effort.  The line and other man made noise problem at Deerfield is really a problem, and besides, there's hardly anyone to talk with - everyone's at the 'fest :-)



Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: WA1GFZ on April 28, 2010, 12:33:41 PM
Let us hope this cold snap kills off the May flies.
friggen cold outside here. Just took my noon walk to the top of the hill and had to sit in the car and warm up. Only in the 40s outside and didn't wear a jacket because it is spring.

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: KF1Z on April 28, 2010, 03:36:36 PM
We probly had about 6" here...

Dirkatron said he got 16"  !   :o

Hope the rain holds off for Saturday...
Lotta garden planting to do... (100 strawberry plants need dirt)
Also hafta get ready for the chickens and turkeys that are set to arrive on monday.

And would be nice for you guys attending the fester too...

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: W3GMS on April 29, 2010, 06:56:55 AM
Gary...Yep, its been a long time since we saw you down at Franks, AHZ's.  Its good that your putting your drumsticks down and getting a little radio in your blood!

Bruce, Yes it will be good to finally meet Nancy for sure. 

Well, its time to fire Martha's Jeep Cherokee up and head north!     

Joe, W3GMS

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: WU2D on April 29, 2010, 09:41:04 PM
Nearfest here we come and Marka and I are selling after a dry spell of 5 years. The weather is stellar!

The WA1QHQ and WU2D Vehicles are loaded to the breaking point with excellent goodies:

Don't you need a:

TMC SSB Adapter for your R390A

Hallicrafters 6M AM Rig with Xtals and VFO?

Repaired Late model Spectrum Analyzers and other test gear

Hallicrafters and National Receivers

ARC-5's and ARB and other miltary gear and parts cars

A 500 Watt 400 Cycle power supply for the military rig

An SCR-522

AUDIO 6N7's, 6B4's 6L6's 807's and a bucket of 6SN7's 6SL7's - CHEEP!

A pile of Marantz PMD221 super quality tape recorders

Transformers Crystals variables Coils

Every ham radio book from the mobile handbook to the antenna book and
Hundreds of QST's, 73's and Ham Radios


Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: WA1GFZ on May 01, 2010, 07:08:03 PM
Thanks for bring us nice WX for Deerfield.

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: W2JTD on May 01, 2010, 08:16:28 PM
Fall. dammit. just too busy. (sigh)

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: Todd, KA1KAQ on May 03, 2010, 01:18:12 PM
As with so many other events, the people make the event - not the weather. As long as Hosstraders took place, those who enjoyed it showed up regardless. NEAR-Fest is no different. You always have the few who aren't really interested or let something else determine their participation. And you always hear a few expressing regrets that they listened to the weatherman and didn't go. In this case, the forecast was excellent AND accurate. I talked with Peter N1PS, Paul KB1IAW, John N1MMD, Doug KA1SHU and Larry NE1S who all made the trip from Maine for NEAR-Fest regardless. Saw a number of folks from north of the border as well as many from NY and all over New England. WX never keeps a true AMer away.

The WX was perfect, but Frank really liked the ice cream the best.  ;)

Title: Re: Best NearFest Weather in over a decade!!!
Post by: WA1GFZ on May 03, 2010, 01:25:24 PM
Yes, HUZ had a great idea on the ice cream after walking around in the hot sun.
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