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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: K7NCR on September 26, 2009, 08:55:27 PM

Title: AAAAHHGGGG!!! Cursses! Foiled again!
Post by: K7NCR on September 26, 2009, 08:55:27 PM
I'm making progress in my station set-up. Repaired a loose connection in my tuner, and 40M is coming in great tonight! I try to tune the TX, and NO OUTPUT! I double checked all the connections, etc, and finally discovered my only DOWKEY relay has an open coil!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( I wanted to work the CX this weekend! I was thinking of a quick junk-box TR box with this relay:
Any thoughts on the ability of this relay at RF? Just my Apache, no amp.

Title: Re: AAAAHHGGGG!!! Cursses! Foiled again!
Post by: K1HH on September 26, 2009, 09:03:20 PM
I believe it will work OK; I use one of those instead of a Dow-Key relay on my DX-60; a little less powerful, but I've never had any trouble with it. Actually have two of them in parallel to get more poles. Put a little piece of velcro on the top of the relay case and another piece where you want it to be.  Go for it!


Title: Re: AAAAHHGGGG!!! Cursses! Foiled again!
Post by: WQ9E on September 26, 2009, 09:18:30 PM
I have used these with a Valiant and DX-100 with no problems.   These will easily handle this power level; as long as you have a reasonable antenna match neither the current nor voltage will be a problem. 

Rodger WQ9E

Title: Re: AAAAHHGGGG!!! Cursses! Foiled again!
Post by: K7NCR on September 26, 2009, 10:30:44 PM
Cool! I thought so. It is DPDT, so I could parallel the contacts. Rat shack opens at 11 AM Sunday, so I can still make it for Sunday Night operation.
Norm K7NCR

Title: Re: AAAAHHGGGG!!! Cursses! Foiled again!
Post by: WQ9E on September 26, 2009, 11:02:10 PM
You really don't need to parallel the contacts but if you need both sets it won't hurt.  I use one set for the antenna and the other for receiver muting.

Title: Re: AAAAHHGGGG!!! Cursses! Foiled again!
Post by: K7NCR on September 27, 2009, 12:31:32 AM
Using the Apache with the Mohawk, so it has a dedicated pair of terminals that mute the receiver. On the other hand, if i use the relay contacts, it would mute the receiver when I'm using the SB-10. That would work FB!
I need to come up with a switching setup for when I get the Marauder fixed, to allow me to use it and the Apache both with the Mohawk.
On another note, I just scored a decent looking Seneca on e-bay for $100. I love just fillin' up the shack with them Heap Big Injuns!  Now I need a Heath 6M converter for my Mohawk, so I can go AM on the "magic band"!

Title: Re: AAAAHHGGGG!!! Cursses! Foiled again!
Post by: w1vtp on September 27, 2009, 04:15:53 PM
Shouldn't be a problem at all.  Especially on 40m.  My FT-301 uses that capacity relay and it's over 30 years old.  No problem yet.  DowKeys are JUNK!!!  I would NEVER use one in my station.  When my friend Gard, W1UGV did the bypass relay conversion in my Courier, he used an open frame relay -- a bit more rugged -- and it works just fine -- but then, that beastie puts out a bit more power than your average 100 watt rig.


Title: Re: AAAAHHGGGG!!! Cursses! Foiled again!
Post by: K7NCR on September 27, 2009, 04:47:44 PM
Fixed! I had an old 2 position coax switch in a little chrome housing. I removed the switch, stuffed the relay in, wired it to the existing 3 SO239 connectors already built into the switch, ran pigtails out to a terminal strip I glued to the housing. Works FB, takes up little more room than the DOWKEY relay, and has an easy to access extra set of contacts. Now I have output! I'll keep an ear open this evening for some CX stations, and whoever else wants to come out and play!
Norm K7NCR
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands