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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: k4kyv on July 13, 2008, 12:53:14 AM

Title: Do you have Windows XP SP3 yet?
Post by: k4kyv on July 13, 2008, 12:53:14 AM
I have auto-update turned on, but set to only automatically download the updates and let me manually install them.

So far I have not received the download. Shouldn't I have it by now?

Has anyone encountered any problems after installing it?

When they released SP2, instead of downloading it off the net, I took M$ up on their offer to send me the free CD version in the mail, and I installed it from that.

Title: Re: Do you have Windows XP SP3 yet?
Post by: K3ZS on July 13, 2008, 09:26:08 AM
Looks like they are charging $4 for the CD this time.   From what I get out of their web site, SP3 is just all the updates since SP2.     I presume that if you have autoupdates, you already have it installed.

Title: Re: Do you have Windows XP SP3 yet?
Post by: Mike/W8BAC on July 13, 2008, 10:16:04 AM
Some updates don't come automatically like a full service pack. You have to go to the MS website and do it for yourself. Depending on how much your lacking it might take several downloads and reboots to get it all. Just keep going back until you get a message telling you no more updates available.


Title: Re: Do you have Windows XP SP3 yet?
Post by: KF1Z on July 13, 2008, 10:40:07 AM
Yup, what Mike said...

SP3 isn't an automatic update....
You have to go to MS and download/install it all by it's lonesome.

The only problem I had Don after installing sp3 was FlashPlayer didn't get along with IE7 at first... so Youtube and a couple other sites using specific versions of Flas, didn't work.
It's common enough so there's a patch readily available to fix 'er up.

Other than that....all is well here.

Title: Re: Do you have Windows XP SP3 yet?
Post by: W2PFY on July 13, 2008, 01:25:29 PM
I down loaded it months ago and I haven't noticed any problems or improvements.

Title: Re: Do you have Windows XP SP3 yet?
Post by: Steve - WB3HUZ on July 13, 2008, 06:00:56 PM

Title: Re: Do you have Windows XP SP3 yet?
Post by: n2bc on July 13, 2008, 08:00:47 PM
XP SP2 was drop shipped by the zillions to the typical PC outlets (Circuit City, Staples, etc.).   

As has been noted you can download SP3 via Windoze Update but there is a small catch....  it will be configured only for that particular machine.

If you have more than one machine, it would be best to download the complete SP3 in .ISO format and burn yourself an SP3 CD that can be used on any XP machine.

I installed the beta SP3 on one machine and removed it 30 minutes later.  The beta was 'recalled' the next day.

Since then I have installed the final released SP3 version via CD on 3 machines with no problems (2 XP PRO, 1 XP Media Edition).

In the FWIW department, VISTA SP1 seems pretty stable, have it on one VISTA Ultimate machine.

73, Bill   N2BC

Title: Re: Do you have Windows XP SP3 yet?
Post by: Opcom on July 15, 2008, 11:49:48 PM
No I'll never do it. Who knows what is really installed along with it that you are not told about?

Title: Re: Do you have Windows XP SP3 yet?
Post by: N3DRB The Derb on July 16, 2008, 12:16:00 AM
no, and thank the gods I never will.  :P

Microsoft is like the ssb of the computing world. Vista has tanked in the individual home/office user space, with most opting to continue to run XP; now 7 years old. I gave away my 1 windows machine, now that Intel Macs run windows better than most garden variety whitebox machines, there was no reason to keep it.

My 2003 Dual 1.8Ghz PPC G5 keeps on truckin, if I'm still around by the time apple pulls op system support for it, I'll get a Mac Pro.... by then they'll probably be at 16 cores per CPU, with a operating system that knows what to do with them all. (

K. Apple fanboy-ism over.
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