The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: N3DRB The Derb on July 07, 2008, 12:35:47 PM

Title: What should my next move be?
Post by: N3DRB The Derb on July 07, 2008, 12:35:47 PM
Whut up? :o

option #1 - still dont have a bow yet and cant throw a slinging tranny. I could wire the feedthrus  thru the wall and run the ladder line, just cant put it in the trees yet.

option #2 - I can start on this right away.

option #3 - I can start on this right away. Yeasu #1 works FB but I'm going to replace every single electrolytic including the 2 main ones in both.

option #4 - this will be quite involved....and time consuming.

option #5 - personally, I'd like to do this one before I work on anything else.

Title: Re: What should my next move be?
Post by: K1JJ on July 07, 2008, 12:52:43 PM

For projects my motto is, "Do it now so you don't have to do it later".

From your list, let the WX and help dictate what gets done.  If the WX is good, do all you can outside first until ant help arrives. Do the inside stuff at night or when the WX is poor. 

Wish I lived closer... I am an expert with my bow and arrow for hanging ants, OM... sigh.

BTW, you might buy a cheapo recurve bow and arrow set up for $20. I'll bet you cud pull it off yourself with one day of target practice.


Title: Re: What should my next move be?
Post by: Bill, KD0HG on July 07, 2008, 01:42:54 PM

option #5 - personally, I'd like to do this one before I work on anything else.

Just keep your fingers off the plate cap! LOL!

Title: Re: What should my next move be?
Post by: flintstone mop on July 07, 2008, 02:05:32 PM
How high are the aerial supporters in your QTH? It may be worth the wait for some help and expert arrow shooters. Are there any arborists (Tree Trimers???)around?? When I lived in Md. the fellows were very understanding about running aerials in trees. Apparently many Hams take advantage of their ability to get up high in the tree and weave the wire through. I know most Hams want to get things done for nothing, but you can wait for free help, possibly after radio season starts. OR hire some tree guys for a around $100 and get it done. Anything above 70 feet is the beginning of a real antenna. But if I remember, you just want to be 'local' , 2-300 miles?? Hell, just throw a war out there and throw it on the dam ground..................shoot.
I know you're sitting on thousands there in W by god Virginia. haaaa!

Title: Re: What should my next move be?
Post by: W3RSW on July 07, 2008, 03:22:13 PM

You're just experiencing a little let down after completing the 'Beast.'

In a few days you'll be more than ready to tackle stchuff without even lookin' at the list.

Same thing happened to me after pretty much finishing the 813 rig. After about a month, all of a sudden the software derived radio stuff caught my eye.

But sort of on hold for the summer until lightning storms, etc. are over...
- In idle radio-wise but mowing grass like crazy.

Never saw so much d.. rain.

Title: Re: What should my next move be?
Post by: k3zrf on July 07, 2008, 08:09:30 PM
Lay back (with some ganja ifin's you can find it) and take the summer to plan and execute. Static is mucho.....see you on the air in the fall  8)

Title: Re: What should my next move be?
Post by: N3DRB The Derb on July 07, 2008, 10:04:23 PM
yeh I know static is really bad this summer.  :-\

I think use the time to rock solidify both yaesus and build both amps to match. Amp #2 is pretty much in need of a lot of TLC. Now that I have some experience with it I wont spend as much time chasing rainbows as I did on the first.

The groovy guy at Frontier Engineering has set aside 2 25A bifilar wound fil chokes for me for when I can afford them.

lotsa summer left. things will play out as intended.  :D
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands