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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: ka3zlr on March 11, 2008, 06:35:36 AM

Title: Notification from the House.
Post by: ka3zlr on March 11, 2008, 06:35:36 AM
Good day All,

 In my snail mail yesterday i received a letter from from Rep Tim Murphy about legislation regarding broadband...

 The gentleman states the understanding of Fiber-to-the-home networks.

 How Interesting.

anyone else..?

Title: Re: Notification from the House.
Post by: flintstone mop on March 11, 2008, 11:25:33 AM
Bring on the FIBER!!!! There are several here living in major cities that have FIOS from Verizon. Fiber is wonderful!!! No RFI, No lightning strikes. A HUGE digital pipe.
It's not moving forward fast enoguh for me. Being in this broken down Western Pa. area, will be a looong time before fiber hits the poles. Someone (Verizon??)has been busy, though, hanging huge boxes at the base of the poles around here. Possibly repeater stations.
So far no solicitations from anyone important.

Title: Re: Notification from the House WIFI
Post by: John K5PRO on March 11, 2008, 01:24:53 PM
I just got broadband WIFI at QTH, after 15 years on a modem and two copper wires nailed to a pole. Now I get my network via 915 MHz Motorola Canopy radio with FSK, and I have 2.45 GHz 802.11.N wireless to send it all over the property. Amazing, so THIS is what they mean by wireless.

Finally got three computers to all talk to my access point, with appropriate security settings. Whee!

Title: Re: Notification from the House.
Post by: Jim, W5JO on March 11, 2008, 03:06:10 PM
The little privately owned telephone company installed fiber to the node about 2 years ago which allowed me to get DSL.  I have been on WIFI before and both are good, but I like the WIFI better.  It was much faster. 

However I must give credit to the telephone company.  If it had been AT&T in this rural area, we would still barely have telephone service.

Title: Re: Notification from the House.
Post by: ka3zlr on March 11, 2008, 07:47:30 PM
Evening All,

 Well, it does say his honorable self is co-sponsor of the "Emergency Amateur Radio Interference Act, H.R 462. which could lead to a reduction of interference.

 The Emergency Amateur Radio Interference Act calls for the FCC to study the interference caused by broadband internet transmission over power lines to Public Safety services and other licensed radio services.

so on and so forth...

I just wondered if anyone else got this letter.


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