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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: flintstone mop on March 09, 2008, 06:35:38 PM

Title: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: flintstone mop on March 09, 2008, 06:35:38 PM
I guess for the next month or so we can play with our radios a little longer in the morning before local sunrise, if there's any consolation. I guess Ma Nature will start her concerts soon.


Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: ka3zlr on March 09, 2008, 08:13:00 PM
Hi Fred,

 Ya know it sure was nice to have daylight at 7:30 PM today.
 Pretty soon it'll be Bike riding time, can't wait....Sunshine..Baseball and Fishen poles..

 Yee Haa....


Title: Re: Daylight Shifting Time
Post by: k4kyv on March 09, 2008, 09:19:50 PM
Good grief. It's still WINTER, for heaven's sake!

In 2005, Congress approved legislation extending daylight shifting time on the grounds it saved energy. Those supposed savings were based on dubious data from the mid-1970s.

But a study of energy consumption in Indiana — which just switched to DST statewide in 2006 — found that the switch actually may waste energy.

How can this be? Conventional wisdom says that extending daylight hours into the evening means lights don't need to be turned on as early.

What this analysis fails to take into account is that during daylight shifting time's cooler months with the darker mornings as people get ready for the day, they tend to crank up the thermostats after they roll out of bed, in addition to turning on the lights in the morning instead of the evening. In the hotter months during that extended evening daylight, they actually run the air conditioners longer.

In Indiana, after the statewide switch, residential electricity usage increased between 1 percent and 4 percent, amounting to $8.6 million a year. Those counties that had made the switch years ago were used as a control group so that weather changes from year to year could be taken into account when the data were analysed.

Congress should roll back DST to begin the last Sunday in April, as it was prior to 1986.  Better still, leave the damned clocks alone and let those early birds who like to rise before daybreak and stumble and fumble around in the darkness to get ready for work, set their own alarm clocks ahead and allow the rest of us snooze in peace for another hour!

The bottom line is those who have to go to work are being forced to get up an hour earlier every morning... and losing an hour of late night radio on 75 and 160.

'Spring forward' won't save you energy (

Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on March 09, 2008, 09:32:52 PM
DST works for me. I love the extra daylight during the evening hours. Lose an hour - gain an hour - I don't care. After so so many years, opening my eyes each morning is all that counts.

Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: k4kyv on March 09, 2008, 09:34:47 PM
Don, thank you, life would not seem normal without your anti-DST rants! ;)

Because every year, someone on this board always volunteers to remind us of this nonsense.

Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: AF9J on March 09, 2008, 09:35:02 PM
Hey I agree with Don,

Not everybody works a 9 to 5 workday.  I have to get up at 4:30 AM.  Gee, I get to run the lights for that much longer,and that many more days in the morning.  As it is, I don't have time to do radio stuff in the morning (and the last thing I want to be doing, is having to watch the clock while I'm on the radio, so I'm not late for work).  

Ellen - AF9J

Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: K9ACT on March 09, 2008, 09:35:58 PM
Don, thank you, life would not seem normal without your anti-DST rants! ;)

I thought I was the only ranter.  We have not changed our clocks since I retired in 1983.  The world be damned! I like looking up and seeing the Sun on the Meridian at Noon.  I like playing with my telescope at 9 pm instead of 10. I also like watching the evening " news" on tape so it only takes about 3 minutes to zip through it.

All the mumbo jumbo of why we do it is pure smoke.

Retailers like it because people tend to spend more time (and money) in malls when it is light out.  Just another example of a special interest group twisting noses in Congress and the mindless masses thinking it's a good idea for some other reason.
It's like Bud... the King of Beer because we say so and the morons believe it.


Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: ka3zlr on March 09, 2008, 09:56:40 PM
Save what for what to do what...ya'll save it...and I'll burn it... 8)

They're stocking Lakes and certain streams now, the geese are flying back up seeing more everyday...The birds are starting to sing....pretty soon the Yl's will be sporting spring fashions...makes a young mind in an old body wana Scratch.....kaamon... :P

All garden tools at the ready at this QTH...don't ya know...LOL...I'm tired of hearing the Slopbuckets racket anyhow's time to go outside and get sum sun you old geezer's..

Bang Bang Maxwell's Silver Hammer came down on my head... ;D

Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: Bill, KD0HG on March 10, 2008, 10:20:42 AM
Save what for what to do what...ya'll save it...and I'll burn it... 8)

They're stocking Lakes and certain streams now, the geese are flying back up seeing more everyday...The birds are starting to sing....pretty soon the Yl's will be sporting spring fashions...makes a young mind in an old body wana Scratch.....kaamon... :P

All garden tools at the ready at this QTH...don't ya know...LOL...I'm tired of hearing the Slopbuckets racket anyhow's time to go outside and get sum sun you old geezer's..

Bang Bang Maxwell's Silver Hammer came down on my head... ;D

The ground thawed here, I've already been planting trees (with one broken arm in a cast no less) and spreading a winter's worth of composting horse stuff with the loader on the tractor. Love the aroma of diesel in the morning sunshine.

Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: ka3zlr on March 11, 2008, 04:40:21 AM
......"Manland".... it makes the Nostrils Flare...

I spent this winter rebuilding a 60's series Troybilt... very aggressive... 4 speed transmission Bolo tines new v cut tires.. there's nothing more serious than a roundeye loose with a Troybilt...

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