The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W1RKW on August 21, 2007, 05:46:07 PM

Title: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: W1RKW on August 21, 2007, 05:46:07 PM
There's a thread on QRZ where amateurs have heard K1MAN on the air.  Has anyone heard him on 75 broadcasting?  I haven 't been listening lately. The conditions basically rot.;act=ST;f=7;t=165562

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: Jim, W5JO on August 21, 2007, 07:17:56 PM
If he applied for renewal before the expiration of his license and the FCC has yet to act, then he can continue to operate until they make up their mind.

As I understand, his case has been referred up the chain for review, and if found his behavior is not acceptable, then they can deny renewal.  If that happens it is a whole new case.

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: AF9J on August 21, 2007, 07:36:26 PM
Nope Bob,

I haven't heard Goofy Glenn, but I heard his nutcase friend, Karol, VE7KFM on 20m briefly on late Friday afternoon.  They're also saying on the 'zed thread that another friend of his; the perv - N9OGL has also been heard spewing obscenities on 20m.  When I hear people like them, I QSY/avoid them like the plague.

Ellen - AF9J

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: The Slab Bacon on August 21, 2007, 07:45:03 PM
I've said it before and I will say it again. He is one of those nutcases who enjoys being the center of attention. He enjoys the attention whether it is good or bad. When he stops getting the attention he will go away. The best way to deal with him is to totally ignore him. If he is not getting the attention, he will first try harder, then give up and go away.

When I was a kid, we used to have another kid that was just like him in this neighborhood.
He was so friggin obnoxious that we all used to take turns beating the hell out of him. As it turns out that was what he wanted. He was getting the attention that he wanted. After a period of time we all were actually getting tired of thumping him around  (he would never fight back!) so we stopped and started ignoring him. Once we started ignoring him he dissapeared and never came back! He couldnt get the attention that he was craving.

                                                                                        The Slab Bacon

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: KF1Z on August 21, 2007, 07:59:00 PM
OK my curiosity got the best of me, took a look in ULS. K1MAN still shows expired in 2005 and 2-PENDING on renewal.

Didn't see any notes that would indicate he was legal to operate at this time?

Any lawyers on here!?


Don't need no lawyers..... all ya gotta do is read the rules.....

As already stated, he applied for renewal as he should have.... the FCC accepted the application and set it aside pending action....
He can transmit all he wants until they decide what to do with him.

If you look at his info on ULS... the license expired in Oct. 2005... BUT it also shows the license as Active.

If you can't find the rules.... I'll be glad to go cut and paste them here....

But, I would just like to see the FCC decide this mess once and for all....
If it's being dragged out this long.... lots of taxpayer dough must be going into this loaf.....

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: KF1Z on August 21, 2007, 08:24:46 PM
Here ya go... just in case...

CFR Title 47 Part 97.21(a)

(ii) For a primary station license grant showing a call sign

obtained through the sequential call sign system, and for a primary

station license grant showing a call sign obtained through the vanity

call sign system but whose grantee does not want to have the vanity call

sign reassigned to the station, the application must be filed with the

FCC in accordance with Sec.  1.913 of this chapter. When the application

has been received by the FCC on or before the license expiration date,

the license operating authority is continued until the final disposition

of the application.


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Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: W1ATR on August 21, 2007, 08:38:12 PM
Just like a dog that won't come in out of the rain, some people are just too stupid to know when they're not wanted. 1man is nothing but a self important narcissistic loser and the other two are followers with no purpose of they're own, nothing more. I think all three of them need to go and get a girlfriend, or a pet, or something. KFM is playing clips of Hitler and continuous jamming other stations on 14.275 right now, and it's nothing but a joke.

That's why I have a preference for AM. We're all normal compared to these jackasses.


Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: KC1XF on August 21, 2007, 09:08:08 PM
Yes, reminds me of a song from times past, Stuck in the middle with you, Fools to the left of me and Clowns to the right.

Take your pick the Macaroni Net on one side and 1MAN on the other.

SSSSSCCCCAAAARRRRRYYYYY - Who is watching the Store?



Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: kb3nqd on August 22, 2007, 08:01:10 AM
IIRC K1MAN got fined 21K but decided that what "the man" (whatever that means) was trying to do to him was illegal therefore he wouldn't pay it.  I am sure he can let us know how that worked out for him after he spends some time in an 8x8 with his new best friend Bubba...

and out of his own mouth....


1. The FCC has declined to provide a requested hearing, and the Fifth
Amendment to the United States Constitution requires a hearing and due
process of law before they can collect a dime much less the "ORDERED"
"fine" of $21,000. Even a traffic ticket gets a hearing, right?

2. Therefore, the next step for the FCC, by statute, is to now sue
K1MAN for the claimed $21,000 in Federal District Court in Bangor,
Maine where K1MAN would demand a trial by jury (trial de novo),
subpoena witnesses (Hollingsworth, Boston Office Engineers, hams,
etc.), file motions, etc. The FCC can't even bring such a suit, of
course, because the minimum claim in Federal District Court is

3. By statute, unresolved forfeiture matters such as above cannot be
used in any other FCC proceeding such as K1MAN's pending renewal

4. By statute, K1MAN can and will continue to operate until the
renewal application is finally decided including all appeals to the
D.C. Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Bottom line is that the FCC is blowing phony legal smoke leading to
Hollingsworth's 2006 Dayton "Special Achievement Award" which is not
too bad for a guy who was sick on the day they taught law at law
school. Wake Forest Law School should refund all of his hard earned
money! Good luck in the contest!

73 and GL de K1MAN

Glenn A. Baxter, P.E.

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: Jim KF2SY on August 22, 2007, 08:25:56 AM

These types crave negative attention.  Reminds of an excerpt from the classic
humourous book on psycholgy, "Games People Play" by Eric Berne.  They are playing 'kick me'
see link for a short excerpt...


Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: WD8BIL on August 22, 2007, 08:58:53 AM
If I remember correctly he was ordered to stop all illegal operations (read broadcasts). That his status remains active wud only allow him LEGAL operation. (As it shud have been in the first place).

He deserves the book thrown at him with a brick inside.

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: WA1GFZ on August 22, 2007, 09:14:59 AM
He needs a best girlfriend Bubba in the top bunk

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: Todd, KA1KAQ on August 22, 2007, 09:49:16 AM
He needs a best girlfriend Bubba in the top bunk

Along the lines of being a lifetime member of the 'Soap on a Rope' club?

IIRC, his license was first renewed, then he was notified that they had reconsidered and it was 'set aside' or something to that affect. If he stopped broadcasting, it wasn't for very long as he's been using 20 meters sporadically since. Haven't heard him back on 75, at least.

As MrMike likes to say, quoting a SK friend of his: "He needs a beatin'!".  Maybe he'll show up at Deerfield and slip on a bar of soap?

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on August 22, 2007, 11:55:35 AM
If I remember correctly he was ordered to stop all illegal operations (read broadcasts). That his status remains active wud only allow him LEGAL operation. (As it shud have been in the first place).

He deserves the book thrown at him with a brick inside.

Actually, we all know that "broadcasts", in the "interest of amateur radio", are not illegal. W1AW does them every day on many ham bands. There are probably still of bunch of OBS's (Official Bulletin Stations) doing  bulletin "broadcasts" in the interest of amateur radio, on a regular basis.

However, starting up a transmission on or very near an ongoing QSO or maladjustment of your transmitter/modulator and thus causing intentional interference is a violation of the rules. Not keeping to the rules of remote operation, (bad timers, endless running tapes, improper identification, etc.) is a violation. Conducting a business enterprise, soliciting monies, etc. are also violations. Doing a bulletin "broadcast" in the amateur radio interest is not a violation.

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: WA1GFZ on August 22, 2007, 12:01:34 PM
Glen is a OBS       BS=bull pucky

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: WD8BIL on August 22, 2007, 01:11:37 PM
That's understood Pete. But his broadcasts were far more than info directed at the general amateur community. Many were nothing more than advertizing for his K1MAN mastercard n' stuff.

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: k4kyv on August 22, 2007, 01:52:45 PM
Reminds of an excerpt from the classic
humourous book on psycholgy, "Games People Play" by Eric Berne.  They are playing 'kick me'
see link for a short excerpt...

I always liked this one.  I think a lot of spouses play this with each other over the OM's ham radio acquisitions or time spent on the radio.

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: KC4HGH on August 22, 2007, 02:13:55 PM
Yes, I heard this hack on 20 meters this weekend while checking out marine info...needs a big thick stick applied vigorously about the head & shoulders.

I'm going to write Riley Hollingsworth with my loggings...they've GOT to do something about 'MAN....

Title: Yes, indeed he is back..............1man
Post by: KF1Z on August 23, 2007, 07:27:46 AM
Yep, sure enough,
7:20 am I tune to 3885 AM and listening to a  qso,,,,

Thought the sidebanders that come on 3888 lsb  everyday sounded different...

Tuned up to 3890 and there is the all too familiar K1MAN broadcast...

On 3890 LSB  ,,,, not even on AM now....

Here we go again..............

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: W3SLK on August 23, 2007, 09:14:08 AM
KF1Z said:
On 3890 LSB  ,,,, not even on AM now

Well, at least he isn't giving us a bad name anymore.

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: The Slab Bacon on August 23, 2007, 09:59:31 AM
Oh boy!! thatz gonna go over like the proverbial "fart in church" with the hostile sidebanders on 3888!! Sounds like another war a comin!!

                                               The Slab Bacon

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: WA1GFZ on August 23, 2007, 12:13:54 PM
K1MAN fires up on spark from a small cell in S.F. bay....

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: KF1Z on August 23, 2007, 04:04:28 PM
been listening to the NET....

yes, in between recordings, glenn is calling for ON THE AIR CHECKINS....

No one has called him yet.....

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: Tom W2ILA on September 11, 2007, 03:18:06 PM
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Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: k4kyv on September 11, 2007, 03:35:33 PM
Wonder if he will come on in the evening and poke at the 3892 slopbucket wasp nest.

Of course, they will move down below 3890 to retaliate, and that will start a new slopbucket war with the AM'ers on 3885.

Time to turn up the wick, walk softly and carry a big STRAP.

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: w5omr on September 11, 2007, 08:31:36 PM
Yes, reminds me of a song from times past, Stuck in the middle with you, Fools to the left of me and Clowns to the right.

C'mon, now.. get it right...
"Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right
here I am, stuck in the middle with you."

You can't fake out an ol' hippie, man!    :D

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: KC1XF on September 11, 2007, 09:03:55 PM
Thanks for the update, see things start to go south when ya getting OLD like me.....


Freddie B....

Title: Re: K1MAN Back On the Air?
Post by: k4kyv on September 12, 2007, 03:46:07 AM
"Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right
here I am..."

The "ragchew" forum on!

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