14.286 Mhz AM ...

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I operate "AROUND 14330".....   From 14300 on up to the top of the band...It has been working out OK and I run into quite a few of the usual suspects that still spin the dial and SDR visual contacts.(."I saw your signal")  Also several S American AM contacts.....I run 20 AM with about 300 watts carrier and a 2 El mono bander ..  don't be afraid to use the entire upper end of the band..


I'm giving up on 20-meters. Too much animus … however, I do see some activity on 15-meters so please look for me on 21.430 during the day here on the west coast of Oregon, USA, 1300-2200 UTC. If you see a blip up there on the panadapter it is probably me. It's a ghost town so far.


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AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands