Scrapping a Classic

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Hey Todd,

Sorry to hear the news and things just didn't work out for you with the 21XS. It was a beautiful piece of equipment.

I think the last time we spoke was when you had it all set up and I was planning on coming down to hook er up?

Catch you at the fall Nearfest?



That's a great set of setups there! A shame to have to let it go. I hope someone will buy the transmitter to avoid it being scrapped!

Is that a GE audio console in the middle picture?
I have a GE 4BC21 board that looks very similar. Haven't found the manual for it so never powered up.


The console is a RCA BC-7, I loved it.


Todd, KA1KAQ:

Hey G - good to see you on here again. Heard you were active again, guess I'm not on enough to keep up.

You're right - I had all three cabinets set up in NC and was planning to have you down to put on the finishing touches when we moved to northern VA. Three years later we moved here, and now we're off one final time. When Steve & I moved it down from your place it was a job but much cheaper than having to pay the commercial movers the last two times. Transportation costs alone have more than doubled the original cost, and those trips weren't as far as the next one. Sorry to see such a beautiful rig go, but I'm no longer in a position to keep it. Robert/'VMC was interested in the two outer cabinets, but traveling to VA to get them wasn't an option.

Not sure about fall, possibly spring NF since I'll still be on the east coast. We'll see.

Ray - the closest salvage yard to me is a half hour or more away and I only have an older Ford Ranger. Our transfer station does have a large metal recycling dumpster, so it won't get buried. I can back up and drag stuff out of the bed and let gravity pull it down into the dumpster.

Steve - already have Barry W's old 300G 250 watter, so I'm set there. There's pretty much no interest in large transmitters these days, even in their prime they weren't for most folks. Only a few of us.

Bill - thought we might end up near you in OH but we're heading a few states west. All the naysayers of my past will finally be right - I'm gonna be a zero!

Had hoped to find a home for the 21XS but didn't have high expectations. In the next couple weeks I'll start the dismantling process. At least it's already 50% or more disassembled thanks to Gary's hard work years ago. In all honesty, the 'stay of execution' is completely thanks to Jen. After being stood up multiple times in the past by 'buyers', I was ready to start hauling last week.

Todd, KA1KAQ:

So the deed is done or, at least - begun.

First load to the metal recycler consisting of small access doors, rear ventilation panels, power supply lower panel and one large front panel.

One more front panel to complete along with the rear hinged access doors before moving on to the cabinets/chassis themselves. Should have that completed by the weekend, then on to the chassis.

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