Radio Test Instruments by Rufus P Turner 1945/6


Here's a downloadable google book. 247 pages, 182 illustrations. It is arranged as 'explanation, schematic, photos of built project' sort of thing, so that anyone can build the most useful test gear from VOM to scope and impedance bridges. AC and DC. Some use only 1 tube.

Chapters on simple volt & amp meters, simple ohmmeters and VOMs, VTVMs, watt/dB meters, impedance meters, cap checkers, inductance checkers, special purpose bridges and accessories, scopes and accessories incle dual trace switch, RF test osc and sig. gens., AF test oscs., RF frequency measuring devices, AF frequency measuring devices, audio amp testing devices, RF signal tracers, misc; crystal checker, Q-meter for coils.

The nice thing about it is that the tubes chosen have linear curves at the voltages chosen by the author for the instrument power, and calibration charts are provided for many so the meter face can be marked properly. He also explains about space-charge-compensating diodes in AC voltmeters using rectifiers to run the meter.

I also found it interesting from a historical perspective, being around the end of WWII, with all the electronics men coming home, here was a way to get started with one's own shop or service for very little outlay.

The previous 'free to download' version had a lot of issues in that you could read it online but when downloaded, the scale of the pages was very inconsistent. Google has since rescanned or fixed this.

Do not confuse this with one from 'googleusercontent...' which is missing images, etc.

More bedtime reading!

Thanks for posting, sir.


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