Recent 17 Meter AM activity

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Pete, WA2CWA:

Quote from: kb3ouk on January 27, 2014, 02:49:49 PM
Quote from: Pete, WA2CWA on January 27, 2014, 01:31:49 PM
With only 58 KHz of phone space for the entire band, it doesn't sound like a great place to make new amateur friends with some wide band AM carriers. I don't even hear any of the ESSB operators diddling on that band. And, of course, there is no contesting allowed on 17 meters either.


All the more reason to start some AM activity on 17 meters, to escape the contest activity on the other bands. And as far as bandwidth is concerned, don't run 6 khz or more of audio and you won't take up the entire band, 300 hz to 3000 hz audio bandwidth will work wonders, especially when running low power.


If using that criteria, why not just run SSB and get a 6db S/N improvement. I don't see any real "wow" to AM on 17 meters. But hey, whatever tickles your brain cells.


Had a nice AM contact today at 6 pm CST on 18,155. I worked N4BFR in Georgia. He was on a K3, and I was using my Flex 3000. Nice conditions, no QRM, and with 25 watts each station, and wire antennas, we had S7 to S9 signals both ways.

Nice Band.


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