SSB heard on 29.000 Mhz

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I called cq a few times on 29.000 Mhz and I kept hearing some strange changing in the noise level... after a couple minutes I head what I thought might have been the squawking of SSB, so I put a rig in usb and low and behold there was a QSO going on!

Some W4 with others talking in sideband... WTF?  We really need to start occupying our call frequencies don't we?


Turn up the wick and STRAP!! 200 watts out should do it on 10m.

Pete, WA2CWA:

US Amateur Radio Frequency Allocations:
General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes:

28.000-28.300 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data
28.300-29.700 MHz: CW, Phone, Image

Last I heard, SSB was still phone.

In another thread posters talked about going wherever the license allowed and using whatever mode was legal. Their point being, I guess, "we don't need anyone's band plan".

Tuning and VFO knobs were designed to be used. Over the years, I've worked a number of AM stations between 28.9 and 29.0 besides the typical 29.0 to 29.2.


Pete, I never said SSB was NOT legal on 29.000 Mhz.  I knew someone would bring this point up, and had a feeling it would be you. :P

You have to admit though, with ALL the WIDE OPEN space on 10 meters, for a SSB group to squat on 29.000 is kinda..... odd.  I heard them mention a ssb net that they run on 29.000 usb. 

I'm not sure what the deal is.. why chose the 10 meter AM calling freq (by gentlmen's agreement) to gather your ssb buddies and have a ssb net?  Oh wait, they did that on 40 meters too didn't they.


Quote from: KX5JT on June 15, 2011, 10:44:19 PM
Pete, I never said SSB was NOT legal on 29.000 Mhz.  I knew someone would bring this point up, and had a feeling it would be you. :P


What do you expect from someone who has CQ CQ Contest below their avatar? If the slop bucket want to work SSB on 29.000, that is his prerogative. Just like it is mine to QRM him with my heterodyne when he does!

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