WebSDR HF resource in New England

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I have my AM focused SDR online from Shrewsbury, Vermont. Please feel free to use it. It is in relatively rural area up in the Green Mountains. The receiver and antenna system is a work in progress and I am paying close attention to reducing any local electrical noise on frequencies below 8 MHz. VLF and LF performance, isn't bad in my opinion (it can receive WWVB on 60 KHz during the day), but could still be a lot better. 

You can check out the SDR online at http://kiwisdr.w1eqx.com:8073   There is a six hour timeout in effect per connection currently as the number of concurrent connections are limited by the SDR.

Steve - K4HX:
Thanks for putting this online. Did a little tuning around. Seems pretty quiet. Did hear a wideband ticking noise at about a 1 second rate. It was very weak though. Was surprised at the number of stations on the AM band that were playing music.

Steve, what you hear ticking every second is the electric cattle fence that surrounds the property. Some days it’s noisier than others, depending on the soil moisture. The fence stays on May through November.

Steve - K4HX:
I thought it might be an electric fence. It was quite low-level and didn't interfere with any signal of significance. I even took a listen to WWVB at 60 kHz.

Thanks to Dave, W1EUJ, there is now a third KiwiSDR receiver at my location. He graciously allowed his receiver to be used at my location. This adds more user slots to help with evening peak use. Hopefully, this will reduce the number of "this receiver is full" messages.

Just use the same URL - http://sigmasdr.ddns.net:8073 - and if the first receiver is full, you will be automatically forwarded to the next available slot on the subsequent receivers.

- Rob


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