AM Nets on 40 Meters

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Steve - K4HX:
Post the name, day, time and frequency for your 40 meter AM net here.

Name: "Friendly AM" Net
Day(s): Saturdays and or Sundays
Time: about noon to about 4PM Texas time (1800-2200 Zulu)
Frequency: 7160KC (+/-)

Round-table started by long-time CW operators and others wanting to experiment with AM.

Very informal and uncontrolled net with long-ish talk times allowed but not required.
Any topic welcome but keep the discussion friendly.
Technical topics are always enjoyed, Q&A and advice both ways welcome and encouraged.
Pauses frequently given for new people to give their call, be welcomed and receive a slot.

Usual demographic:
 Old 'commercial' AM transmitters like BC-610, Viking (anything with a carrier that can be modulated).
 Home brew gear of any kind, and frequently with trying improvements or mods to put it on AM.
 Plastic radios, SSB rigs with an "AM switch", DX-60's, and the like; people frequently show up on those as their 1st whack at AM, we encourage them and try to make sure they have fun.
 Most participants are in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico.

The net is usually small so everyone gets to transmit.

Note: if you don't hear anyone and it's 1PM already, call CQ on 7160. More active in the cooler weather due to garage shacks and lots of tubes.

"Be there or be square."  This is a great way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon or a lazy Sunday afternoon.

 It would be nice to have some AM activity during the week on 40.  I call CQ some on 7160 during the daytime but no takers.  The band is usually open judging from the SSB activity.

Steve - K4HX:
Australia AM Net

Wednesday and Saturday
7125 kHz

7290 Khz....+ or - 1 PM pacific...Daily except Wednesday .  Stations in the Pacific Northwest and Arizona , sometimes California...Haven't heard a lot of activity lately ..I think it is because of the summer heat..Starting to cool around here now so maybe it will pick up..I have an FRT-39 Navy TX and AR-88    dipole ant on 40....


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