No more CZH-ing

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OH! NO!  Dam! 

I knew Roger in the early days of NESMC.  He had (has?) a repeater on 448.625 - my 07 meter repeater was (actually still is under a different call) 448.675.  We used to check back and forth about our repeaters.

I do remember him talking about some sort of military jeep or something like that.  He was really a pleasant guy to work with on NESMC - a real gentle man

Rip, Roger


Wasn't Roger the one who got ripped at one of Chuck (EKV's) parties in Pepperell, and tuned up the Valiant on 11m and started playing with the heads of a bunch of CBers? 

flintstone mop:
The pictures look like he was a 'young fella' compared to me.
As we stick around together on this board, I see happy days of good threads and then the days come around of fellow ops dealing with health issues and the inevitable.

Never met CHZ, he sounded like a fun fellow.

I am saddened by the recent loss of so many of our contemporaries.
Reminds us of our own mortality.

The Slab Bacon:
A fellow that I was partners with in an ill-fated business venture some years back made a statement that constantly comes back to haunt me.

He said (this is an exact quote word for word)
"Frank, you know you are getting older when you find that you know as many dead MFs as you do live ones"

Those words constantly come back to haunt me as I have lost so many close friends in recent years. Sometimes it really hurts! Especially the thought that you will never be able to hang out together and enjoy each others company again.

Like many of us, some years back, I put most of my social life on hold in order to persue a career and gain some financial ground in this rat race of a world. I figgered that I would catch up later in life when things slowed down a bit.

Well, guess what, It never happened. Later came much sooner than expected. I have lost so many of my close friends, and then after dying twice myself, I have realized that later is here now! ! ! !  What I wouldn't give just to hang out with some of those guys (and girls) again, for one last time.

If you have people that you are fond of, do the best you can to enjoy them now, because tomorrow might not get here.............................


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