160 mtr AM in North Texas?


Where and when is the 160 meter AM activity in North Texas?

I would be willing to make a skd. for 1885 say 9 Pm.
Lightning spikes are S9 + when they are in the area, so 100 w will not do, 300 to 500 would be more like it for 250 miles or so local.

Porum OK.

Jim, W5JO:
For AM, not much.  Marv, KC9VF can be found on 1.915 but most in the 5 state region do SSB.  I hve been on the past 5 years and could not get many to get on consistantly.

Listen around 9 PM texas time for the Pacific NW group...1945 kcs..If the static is low we should be able to do some AM..We leave long pauses between overs....Hope to hear you....Steve


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