Fair Radio and Dayton Hamfest Photos May 2024

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Fair Radio and Dayton Hamfest Photos May 2024
Lots of interesting stuff and lots of friends - a good time was had by all!

Nick K4NYW

  Thanks—excellent pictures. I see many items that probably would have followed me home, for better or worse.
#4828 and #4829: Nice old homebrew, with turns-counting knobs for the roller inductor and vac-variable tune cap.
#5040: Nice looking 6n2 Thunderbolt.
#5117: 2x813 RF deck—looks like it was inspired by the East Coast Handbook's "Single Band Kilowatt" design.
#5127: Nice Zeus! (in the background) But was the price really $600? Whew!
#5172 and #5173: Homebrew 1x3-500(?) amp. Nice looking build.
#5253, #5254, #5255: Very interesting 6m TX and amp! Homebrew? No name visible.
#4708: Gates rollers!
#4721: Bread slicers and rollers!
#4755 and #4756: DX60 heaven! All three iterations represented.

Pete, WA2CWA:
The Fair Radio pictures looks like a distribution place where you take your discarded metal junk for recycling.

Most of those sellers in the flea market seem to be very "price-wise" proud of the equipment they're selling.  ;D

Only about 283 of those Johnson 6N2 Thunderbolts were ever made. I have one but it eats up a lot of room and it's heavy. Haven't decided what I'm going to do with it. My Gonset 903 and 913  2 and 6 meter amps   (single 4CX250B) get the most use.

It may just be me but I think Fair Radio had died about two or three years ago. I was out at Hamvention and was there on Thursday and did go to the Hamvention early along with hitting Midwest Electronic Surplus and thought about driving up to Lima being that I have gone to Fair Radio on Thursday for the last five years or so on Thursday before the Hamvention but did not. Last years visit was just a matter of looking at the exact same stuff that had been there and had been picked over from the years before. Nothing new and the prices were too much for what was there. The lack of lighting in the warehouse, general state of the equipment and everything else just decided to blow it off.
People I talked with who did visit tell me it was the same as the year before, and that prices were the same too. Would be interested in hearing from anyone who did any buying last week and what their experience was like. 
If anything, somewhat glad I did not go and would prefer to remember what it was like years ago. Am certain that once its gone forever the stories will grow bigger and bigger down the line on how great the place was and how you missed out by not being there, something along the lines of how wonderful Mendelson’s was today, but that’s how these things always play out.
Don’t know if I will go to the auction or not yet.

  Yeah, I don't know, really, if I'd have come home with that amp. Its main value is in its rarity and nostalgia, but for actual use, it's heavy for its power output, and takes up a lot of space. It is a very nice example, though. Too bad the asking price wasn't visible; I'd love to know.

Quote from: Pete, WA2CWA on May 20, 2024, 06:50:23 PM

The Fair Radio pictures looks like a distribution place where you take your discarded metal junk for recycling.

Most of those sellers in the flea market seem to be very "price-wise" proud of the equipment they're selling.  ;D

Only about 283 of those Johnson 6N2 Thunderbolts were ever made. I have one but it eats up a lot of room and it's heavy. Haven't decided what I'm going to do with it. My Gonset 903 and 913  2 and 6 meter amps   (single 4CX250B) get the most use.


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