FCC & W2VJZ Dueling

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Pete, WA2CWA:

Latest enforcement action to Irb:
To assist you in understanding what the problem is with your radio transmissions, you are advised that if a licensee calls “CQ” or is otherwise attempting to use a frequency that you are monitoring, and makes it clear that he or she does not wish to converse with you, and you answer or harass that station in any way, you subject yourself to a forfeiture (fine) ranging from $4,000 to $7,500 based on deliberate interference.

There are no frequencies on 75 meters or anywhere else in the Amateur Service, allocated to your station for your exclusive personal use. Nor are there any frequencies allocated to you for your personal supervision. Interference to communications not directed to you will result in enforcement action against you. Your personal opinions may be important to you, but you have no special dispensation that we are aware of to announce them on any specific frequency on top of existing communications already in progress.



I can't believe the FCC is even getting involved with this nonsense.


I agree George, its so petty I fail to understand why the Comission has interest, other than Stu's indication that he works/worked in some capicity for them.

Pete, WA2CWA:

I bet it's down to this issue. He's not addressing the allegations:
Your response to our February 10 letter is not only inadequate, but frivolous. You were requested to address the allegations in the complaints in detail, and you have not done so. If we do not receive a detailed reply by March 30, 2005 to the complaint we provided you in our February 10 letter, we will initiate enforcement action against your Amateur license.

Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Act, you are expected to respond in detail, by March 30, 2005, to the complaint we sent you in our February 10 letter, and you are reminded that to knowingly and willfully make any false statement or conceal any material fact in reply to this inquiry is punishable by fine or imprisonment. See 18 U.S.C. § 1001; see also 47 C.F.R. § 1.17.



Quote from: W1UJR
I agree George, its so petty I fail to understand why the Comission has interest, other than Stu's indication that he works/worked in some capicity for them.

And Glen is allowed to continue to fire  up right on top of QSO's with his timer controlled transmitter. What a joke.

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